What would you do if your car decided to repo itself back to the dealer? Ford's newly filed patent wants to do that. What about sending your long distance partner a kiss through a robotic set of silocone lips? Just a few of the discussions the group talks about today. We announce the giveaway for GOTM as well - go to https://gleam.io/SAp4F/bucket-bytes-march-gotm-giveaway to enter.
We also dive into game bytes such as ERROR!, RAM TEST, & new game, Butthole Bytes, where we discuss who IS the bigger butthole (not has the bigger butthole).
No special guest this week, but the menagerie of bytes we pull is definitely enough to keep you entertained for hours.... in yet another new record LONG episode for the show.
Come see what we pull out of the bucket, this time.
You can check out where to find Bucket Bytes by visiting our LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/bucketbytes including Business inquiries.
All episodes are recorded LIVE, and if you want to find out when we are going live next, you can follow our Facebook page at http://facebook.com/bucketbytes or by visiting our Discord: http://discord.gg/RCmWcaj3vM
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