Ever wondered how travel time could be scaled realistically in a game, or the secrets behind the modding process of Starfield? Align your gaze to our latest podcast episode where we traverse galaxies, explore gaming hardware, and swap some classic banter about Starfield, Lenovo's new handheld, the Nintendo Switch, and much more. We're not just gaming enthusiasts, we are gamers, and we promise a ride packed with gaming insights and a good dose of laughter.
Imagine stepping into the vibrant universe of Star Citizen, and unraveling the intricacies of its cosmetic options, missions, ship flying skills, and so much more. We perform a meticulous comparison of Star Citizen and Starfield, giving you valuable insights on inventory management, the best items to pick up, and the various facilities you'll encounter in both games. If you're curious about PC gaming performance, our discussion on optimization issues and the power of the 4090 graphics card will keep you hooked.
Heading into the finale, we crown our contenders for the game of the year with a lively debate featuring Starfield, Alan Wake, Hogwarts Legacy, Resident Evil 4 Remake, Diablo 4, and Yakuza: Like a Dragon. We go beyond gaming to share our passion for voice acting in Mortal Kombat, and even explore the Lenovo Legion. And yes, we discuss game reviews, giveaways, and our predictions on the possibility of a Switch 2. Join us for a fun-filled gaming discussion, and let's end the year with a challenge – read a book by the end of the year. Layered with gaming gossips, hardware analysis, and a dash of self-improvement talk, this episode is a gamer's paradise.
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Speaker 1:
Alrighty, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another episode. Oh, fuck it Bites. As always. You've got me, ryan Papa Post. We've got the YouTube superstar, josh Picard from Suggestive Gaming that Suggestive Games, though, is the X profile name, just throwing that out there. And we've got Dom, just Dom Hi Hi. And what's the name of that studio that starts with an F? That we had on the show Fraculation. Fraculation.
Speaker 2:
Yeah, they're not Fraculation, fracolations.
Speaker 1:
Fracolations, fracolations, oh my gosh. But anyways, welcome to another fun filled episode of the Bucket Bites coming at you with Bite Size Bits and Discussions. We've got a couple games for you today, and by a couple I mean one, so that I was, you know, I guess technically incorrect. Yeah, that's technically correct. We're gamers. Today, we're gamers hey, I'm a gamer every day, though, but glad to be live with you. We're going to be talking a little bit Actually probably a lot bit about Starfield, maybe what our game of the year is. We do want to touch also on some of the that new Lenovo handheld and also switch to maybe some other stuff, maybe some other handhelds that somebody may have just bought and we might talk about Mortal Kombat, because everyone loves that on this show. I know we're all huge fans of Mortal Kombat Every single one of them.
Speaker 2:
But do you know what?
Speaker 1:
Somehow every episode it comes back up. So I mean it's okay. But I just want to recap just from our last episode, because we had a pretty huge episode we gave away at PC. Teresa was their name, I'm not going to give any names on that, which has already been sent to her. So congratulations to you and respond to my emails please. I would like you to respond to my emails Because I wanted to. It's a long story short. I was hoping that the person who won would maybe do like a quick little like, maybe like an unboxing type video or even come on the show, and I don't know. I think I scared her away when I asked those two things. So we'll see. But I just wanted my free fucking PC Get out of here. I'm actually kind of hurt. I'm not going to lie, I think it kind of hurts. Oh hey, the music's still going. Wow, dude Fucking noobs, dude Fucking noobs.
Speaker 3:
What episode is this 22, 22 times, you know what still pulling this.
Speaker 1:
Come on, one day I will learn. I will learn how to be better, but today is not that day. Today is not that day, but that's okay. You're honest with yourself, right. You know, we'll get there one day.
Speaker 2:
What a strong start.
Speaker 1:
I've been saying that for the last 50 something episodes, so, but okay, so, and then we also gave away some gift cards and some stuff like that.
Speaker 2:
I know that was in here.
Speaker 1:
Oh yeah, you do. I forgot to remind you. I forgot to remind you.
Speaker 3:
You were the last one I told you to remind me.
Speaker 1:
You did tell me to remind you that's the last one that needs to go out. So otherwise a lot of prizes went out in the last week. I just it was like Christmas in September. August was the 31st, right, yeah, this is when we did it. September 1st. There you go. September 1st, okay, anyways. Um, I don't it's good to see you here, because I know you said you weren't feeling too well, and actually the same with Josh. Uh, you okay, josh.
Speaker 3:
Oh, my cat was just fucking around. I had to yell at her.
Speaker 1:
Okay, that's fair enough. Uh, so I I'm glad to see you guys are both here. By the way, logan will be joining us late, hopefully, possibly, probably. But, Dom, you said you weren't going to be here tonight and you're going to be sick and I'm like, oh man, like I hope it's not like you don't got the the vid man like COVID's coming back with a 19.
Speaker 3:
I don't.
Speaker 1:
is it COVID 20? I don't know, I don't know what there's different things right 2022. But it's like I thought that stuff was done and over with right, just another. You know forgive my ignorance on it, but I thought it was all done with. And now I know like six people we've had like four people in the in my office in the last two weeks and then some other people outside of work and like, oh my God, it's back. All it takes is one and then you get another mini breakout. That's how it goes. Could you imagine like it? It would never be like it was before again.
Speaker 3:
No, I think herd immunity is good enough at this point. But yeah and all, it seems like the strains are getting like less severe as time goes on.
Speaker 2:
Sure, yeah, I feel like, yeah, my coordinator at my job was calling for another like um shutdown. She was saying, like I think there's going to be another shutdown. I was like should I hope not.
Speaker 1:
Wait, someone at your office. Your work was calling for a shutdown.
Speaker 2:
But not like predicting. She was saying that she thinks it's going to happen again, and I was like I really hope not.
Speaker 1:
I don't, I don't, will ever get something as big as 2020, but yeah, and our lifetimes are Dom's lifetime Cause like that. That's a good point. Those are significantly different Um probably in our lifetime.
Speaker 3:
I can't speak for Dom's.
Speaker 1:
Wait, probably for ours, but not his. Yeah.
Speaker 3:
What are you trying to?
Speaker 1:
say what are you trying to say? I'm trying to say he's going to live significantly longer than us. So, so. But if it happens again for us, but not him, what is that? How does that work? No, I said it wouldn't happen for us. Oh, I heard it backwards. All right, Anyways. I said I could speak for ours, but I can't speak for his Okay. I got it.
Speaker 3:
I'm just an idiot you guys.
Speaker 1:
you know you should know this by now. Um, what have you guys been doing? I know we just came off of a holiday extended weekend for a lot of us. I know I took a few extra days myself to get my feet wet in the star field. But what about you guys? What were you all doing? I was building the shoebox arcade. Oh yeah, oh yeah.
Speaker 2:
I've seen some pictures of it. That looks pretty neat. I didn't know it was that small in there.
Speaker 1:
Yeah, there's a tiny ass room in my house. It's useless, it's it's basically a closet, but it's a room and the city counts it as a room Not really. Yeah, oh yeah, they don't even count it as just a closet. It's counted as a room. No, it's a. It's counted as a room. There's a window in it, so it's a room, I know yeah. So it's increased my taxes, um, but it's a, it's a tiny, tiny room and so, um, I've, this week I set out to putting, like arcade, old arcade style carpet in it. Okay, and then a black light and some some like uh like a gradient light strip and stuff, and then I put in two or no three arcade, one up machines.
Speaker 3:
So my old golden T that used to be my background is now down there. And um two other, uh, arcade, one up machines, and then our buddy Greg from game trade up in green Bay, or Dupir rather yeah he drove down here cause he's like the coolest dude ever and just gave me this big CRT TV that's in there now too, so I got a beanbag coming.
Speaker 1:
So I was going to sit on this beanbag. I thought he was just coming to have lunch with me. Well, that was the purpose.
Speaker 3:
That was another great part is you and I and he went out for lunch and it was a great time.
Speaker 1:
Greg's a good dude. Make your way up there.
Speaker 3:
I don't care where you live. You got to check out his game store. He's the best dude on this planet.
Speaker 1:
He's pretty great. The first time I got to meet him in person too.
Speaker 3:
Um good dude.
Speaker 1:
So that's all you did. That's that was it. That's your weekend. Literally, that was my. That was my Labor Day. I was getting the shoebox arcade ready, gotcha, what have you done?
Speaker 2:
Um, it was like a normal week for me. I didn't do anything different, oh yeah.
Speaker 1:
Okay, great Dom, just Dom everybody I love it. Well, I feel like a freaking loser. Then I like took days off work so I could play video games. I was playing Starfield and we talked about it on the show a little bit when I had like eight hours or so into it or something like that.
Speaker 2:
Um, and don't you have like 20 or something now or more?
Speaker 1:
No, I have like I'm embarrassed I have like over 30. Wow, yeah, Um. So are we going right in the start of field discussion here? Yeah, I think we should. I think we cut just since we're there. So you like uh, I like it, I don't love it, okay, uh there, oh my God, well and I mentioned it on the show a little bit, there's, there's a lot of things. Like I said, baldur's gate kind of spoiled me with dialogue and voice acting and and um. But I would be curious to hear from you guys, because I know, josh, I think you hopefully played it a little bit. I know you did, because you're trying to get the visuals to look how you wanted, right, you're modding it, oh God, so what? Yeah, that was my, so when I opened it up there was no DLSS, which made me really mad.
Speaker 3:
I knew that, though I didn't know.
Speaker 1:
I literally haven't been paying attention. Um so I didn't know that, but I'm an Nvidia boy and I love DLSS.
Speaker 3:
Like DLSS performs so much better than FSR in my experience and like, I'm sorry if you have an AMD GPU, but what the fuck is wrong with you? Um?
Speaker 1:
like DLSS is so amazing that's worth an Nvidia card on its own. But luckily people have hacked in to replace FSR with DLSS, so I did that. But then I was like why the fuck is there no A? There's no brightness slider in the game?
Speaker 2:
which is like the weirdest thing ever to me. Oh yeah, I noticed that no gamma or anything, I don't know.
Speaker 1:
Nothing. There's no brightness adjustment whatsoever in that game and as a guy who like fine tunes, that shit, like I was so annoyed. And there's no HDR and it also doesn't work with Windows's auto HDR out of the box. So I was like what the fuck? So, luckily, you can mod that as well. So I was modding in the, you know, the auto HDR support and DLSS and, uh, changing the like graphic filters so that it doesn't wash out all the colors, and finally it's ready. So I've probably spent about six hours on this game and I've played two. Okay, well, you at least got to new Atlanta at least. Yeah, I just got. I just met with like the constellation people. Yeah.
Speaker 3:
Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 1:
Speaker 2:
Yeah, I got to that part too. Actually, that's most I played and then I kind of like stopped playing. It made me like when I was playing it it looked very weird on the Xbox at first and I was wondering if my TV settings were right. So I spent probably like an hour missing with my monitors settings. I was like there's something wrong here, because I was looking at the foliage of new Atlantis and it is like a very bright green, but not like a nice bright green, it was like an ugly green. Yeah, it took a screenshot and I was like oh, I got shows to post because I don't know if this is right or not, and then the screenshot looks perfectly fine.
Speaker 1:
I was like what are? You talking about dude. Yeah, Then that would do it.
Speaker 2:
Yeah, Then I was like that's when I started diving more into my monitor settings. I don't think I found a fix for it, but yeah.
Speaker 1:
Yeah, weird.
Speaker 2:
I figured out one day, I think.
Speaker 1:
Yeah, Well, since we're on the topic of issues with that game, I know I have so if you run any kind of external software for like audio. So I had this issue where the audio was flipped and no, I was not wearing my headphones backwards. Well, you could have. I think that could have been a fix.
Speaker 4:
I mean, I guess I could have, but I didn't want to flip your headphones around. I guess, but I didn't want to do that because it feels weird, right.
Speaker 1:
I designed to fit a certain way, anyways, but I found out it, like Starfield's own, has its own like spatial audio in it and it and it like reversed what my software was doing in my headset. So everything I would, I would always hear Vasco like running up behind me on my right, and I'd go look to the right and there's nobody there, and I'd look to my left and he like right in my face. So I just turned off the extra, the other software, and it worked just fine. So, but man, I said it on the last episode, starfield is good, I said it earlier too, but it's good, not great, right, the diet like it kills. It Absolutely kills me. After playing so many hours of Baldur's Gate, just the dialogue and the voice acting alone is enough to like. But the little guy can say your name. Which little guy? The guy that hangs out with you, vasco? Oh, maybe he can't say Papa post.
Speaker 2:
No, he always says certain names Like a cost worth and all.
Speaker 3:
Yeah, my favorite part is he can say Josh and Picard, because obviously people, people are going to call them, so it's Cam Picard because of.
Speaker 1:
Star Trek. So, but I went. I went with Josh. I didn't go with Picard because I didn't want him to call me Cam Picard. The whole game, sure, oh, come on, I don't know.
Speaker 2:
I feel like he doesn't say FET, which kind of threw me off. Oh that sucks. Which was kind of weird. I need my character Damofet, and I was hoping he would say FET. At least he didn't. He never said FET, so does he say Damo? He didn't say any of it. He just says Captain, yeah, it's Captain.
Speaker 1:
Yeah, if he doesn't recognize your name, he just says Captain. So I'm Captain Josh, every time Captain Josh, and I'm like that's funny. Well, it's fun how little things like that they they really bolster kind of an experience within a game. It's little things, right, yeah?
Speaker 2:
Well, speaking of little things, the character creation is very I mean, I think some people like it more than I do, of course, but it doesn't have the things that I'm looking for.
Speaker 1:
It's like surprisingly like undetailed, for how detailed some stuff is yeah.
Speaker 2:
It's so weird. I was hoping that I could like manually change the eye color or something like that. Because no, presets brother. Yeah, it was presets and all of it was presets. I was like I'm playing fucking Skyrim right now.
Speaker 1:
Well, you can change the eye color.
Speaker 2:
You can.
Speaker 1:
I want to make my own. Yeah, like, oh, like, oh, I see Like an X code or something. Yeah, or whatever.
Speaker 2:
For my, for my characters and games. I make my character have the biggest beard possible and the longest hair possible, with white eyes. I don't know why, but that's the combo. He looks like a hobo and I like making my character look like a hobo, but I couldn't do that this game.
Speaker 1:
So are you saying my character looks just like me by the way.
Speaker 3:
Oh, that's cool yeah. Yeah, when I was skinny. I'm going to send it in the chat, oh sure I'm excited.
Speaker 1:
Sure On our Discord I know somebody posted their Baldur's Gate character too, so if you're in our Discord, feel free to share your characters.
Speaker 2:
I like, get in our.
Speaker 1:
Discord. Come on, what are you doing? But I was filtering through presets and I found one that was almost uncannily like Randall Cobb the old Green.
Speaker 2:
Bay Packers. What is your? What is your?
Speaker 1:
And I'm like all I had to do was change the hair, maybe make the forehead a little bit bigger, and eye color and boom. So I'm playing the game as Randall Cobb. Does he have a Super Bowl ring? No, no, in real life. He does. He does in real life, but, no, not in the game. And his name is also PapaPost, even though I changed his name to Randall. So, I feel like there's a glitch there somewhere too. Like if you go to the change your name place, oh, you can change your name, so I can pick Picard if I want to later maybe. Well, I don't know if it registers with the voice or in the. So I changed his look a little bit. I wanted to make his face just ever so slightly wider, and then I changed his name just to Randall, and in a cut scene later where you introduce yourself to someone, it said man, my name is PapaPost. I'm like what the fuck? I changed it to Randall, but apparently I didn't. Well, I'm sure there'll be like some kind of save editor somewhere.
Speaker 3:
Oh, for sure.
Speaker 1:
Sure, but yeah, no, that's so. That's one of my biggest disappointments. You know another. Another really big disappointment for me in this game is, even though the, the cities are a lot bigger than old Bethesda games, they feel very dead.
Speaker 2:
And the NPCs don't look very pleasant.
Speaker 1:
No, they don't. Oh my God. That was. My favorite part of this game, though, is when I got to the city and I was walking around and I'm like holy shit, like they have not made any improvements since Xbox 360.
Speaker 2:
Like oh man, dude, I was looking at some of them and I was like this is what I thought, Like my TV was parked. There was like no way, those people look like that.
Speaker 1:
Oh, oh, I wish, I wish Logan was here right now just to talk about it, because he was playing and maybe he'll pop in later, hopefully, but he was playing on a steam deck. Oh, that's a mistake. I've tried. It looks like literal jelly. He sent me screenshots and people look like clay bottles, dude, like it's awesome.
Speaker 2:
It is.
Speaker 1:
It is rough trying to play that thing on a steam deck Like people have. People have made like not necessarily mods, but like presets. Yeah, you can download where they've like tweaked the values and the textures. It runs better and it's still like it's bad. What I really want to do is dock my steam deck to my 90 inch TV and see how bad that all is. What is that? It's a 4K TV.
Speaker 3:
I'm assuming yeah, yeah, it won't run in 4K.
Speaker 2:
It'll run in 20. No, no, no, no.
Speaker 1:
Yeah, you'll have block, block block, block.
Speaker 2:
Exactly, yeah, it'd be awesome. I want to name some things that I did really like in the character creations specifically. Oh sure, I like the traits that kind of like immersed me in, because you can make your character like a wanted man or like give him some type of backstory.
Speaker 1:
But yeah, I did like how they ripped that part off of Mass Effect as well. Dude Okay. I didn't know that far Well kind of there's so much about the beginning of this game. That is just like Todd Howard played Mass Effect. He's like do that? They started. They started making this game how many years ago? It was 11 or 10 or seven or something, I can't remember.
Speaker 3:
When did?
Speaker 1:
Mass Effect come out. I don't know, man Dude was 2011, right. Yeah, yeah. Well, that was Mass Effect three.
Speaker 3:
Speaker 2:
Three was like 11.
Speaker 1:
Anyways, go ahead, Dom. What else did you like? Um I didn't see the positivity.
Speaker 2:
Gunplay seems fun. I enjoyed what I did with a pistol for a little bit, so the class I picked was the gangster class, which involves punching and shooting.
Speaker 1:
So you're a shotgun, you're a hobo gangster.
Speaker 2:
I yeah, that's basically what he is. I wanted to pick the bounty hunter one, but that mostly involves like being on the ship and I remember you saying the ship kind of sucks.
Speaker 1:
So hold on All right. So there's I. My experience has changed a lot, from my eight hour experience to my 30 to 40 hour experience. Um if you don't have any, if you, if you, if you don't have any well, so the game does a really bad job of explaining damn near fucking anything to you like at all, which in one way is cool and another way is bad. Like some games, like in fallout, for example, the base building, I feel like they just shoved that shit down your throat, yeah, like annoyingly. But this one they don't do it at all. So it's like there's no happy medium. There was no like. There's like, I think, a one point, just one little screen prompt that tells you how to like base build or ship build or whatever, and that's like it.
Speaker 2:
Like it's not part of any missions or anything. The last Bethesda game that did decent with that was like more wind. Oh yeah, Cause more wind. You had to do a lot of reading and research for yourself.
Speaker 3:
Yeah, More wind was yeah.
Speaker 2:
They didn't have to tell you what to do. You would just have to figure it out yourself. But, like I guess in these games, they don't tell you, but they don't actually show you either.
Speaker 1:
There's a there, so as you progress there's prompts that'll show you like how to set up, but there's no like in depth anything and I don't think in the game there's anything for you to find and read, so literally it's up to like. I actually got to the point where I'm like well, I should probably look this up and see if I can figure out who like figured some stuff out.
Speaker 2:
So I have a question for you post.
Speaker 1:
Oh, I'm sorry that got you off. Yeah.
Speaker 2:
Oh, keep going, I'm sorry.
Speaker 1:
No, it's okay, I forgot what I was talking about already.
Speaker 2:
I'm sorry. Anyway, the thing that's going to keep me interested in this game is the cosmetic type of thing Do you think the? Cosmetics in the game are good.
Speaker 1:
I think they're fine, like 80% of this game, everything is fine.
Speaker 2:
Is there a lot of similarities with each outfit?
Speaker 1:
sometimes I have found a couple of really cool like spacesuits that you can get from like missions and stuff, but there's not a lot of variation. I would like to say I mean, but I'm also like I think I'm only probably about like 35 to 40% through the main mission. I've only explored like 30% of the freaking plant, not even 30% of the plants. So like I've got so much left to go and explore and do that, you know, I'll say this there's one mission and I'm not going to spoil anything. There's one mission. Do you want me to spoil it? I mean, it's a pretty well known spoiler. I think at this point, if you're, especially I'm like tick on it, tick tock or anything, but there's a mission? I don't spoil it Okay, well, there's a. I won't spoil it really, but there's a mission where you go to this place and you end up getting a really cool space suit and a ship. You actually get a ship, which the ship is. I absolutely love it, but some people say it's trash. So I don't understand. I don't know. I thought but part of the whole ship flying experience that I hated was fixed when I upgraded I figured this when I upgraded my ship flying attributes and skills. So a lot of the floaty like slow moving bullshit that I could not like. I'm like dude, there's no fucking way. If it's even two on one I have no shot. But now it's. You know, now that I've increased that skill a little bit, like it could be like four or five on one, it'll be, it'll be okay.
Speaker 2:
Oh, with my short time playing, being in space just kind of feels like I'm not moving at all, but like it says, I'm going, I'm moving around. That's what it kind of feels like right now.
Speaker 1:
So you are.
Speaker 2:
Yeah, I know it is because, and you can.
Speaker 1:
if, let's say, you're at earth, you can fly to the fucking Mars without any loading screens or anything. It just takes nine and a half years. It takes 10 hours oh my God, it takes 10 hours. And also it actually doesn't load up the planet. But I'll tell you why. I think that's fucking awesome because I I swear like that could be a humongous mod that would like background load, like chunks in space, so that the planet would load. You know what I mean? Yeah, but why wasn't that just base package? So one of the things that so I love star citizens like detail and nuance and realistic kind of I say realistic in quotations. But the thing that sucks about that is the travel time anywhere, because it's scaled right. Yeah, so it takes like in that game even with light speed it takes fucking 10 minutes to get from one system to another.
Speaker 3:
Speaker 1:
Like and you're you have. There's no fast travel Like. You have to do that 15 minutes so you can fly in space, and I learned that you miss out. If you just like use the ship as like a menu to like fast travel places, you're missing out on a lot of different content and interactions and also resources up in space. So you don't have to spend a lot of time like exploring in your ship and space. But like if you see, if you jump into a planet and there's like a blown up ship or something like, look around, you'll find stuff and people. Yeah.
Speaker 2:
It feels like, when you do go into the ship, it feels like you're going into one of those like little arcade stations, because it feels like I'm not moving anywhere and you're just controlling the screen, that's what it kind of feels like. Oh, so yeah, you're like I'm like just sitting stationary but like the screen's moving around, I mean it's, look it's.
Speaker 1:
It's a Bethesda RPG, not a space sim. Yeah. Like, if you, if you can remember that like and I made, I made a post about it, Like I really are a post about it. I'm sorry. I really hope sometime in the next five to 10 years. So I like, I won't, like I'm not hiding the fact that I really like what Star Citizen has done with, like their tech Like, even though it's not like it's taking so long and it's not quite there yet, but if we can somehow one day mix that like just the nuance and detail and and just like simulation realism feeling mixed with the depth of and range of what you get in something like Starfield, that is going to be like the ultimate fucking experience and I I don't feel like we're that too far away, to be honest. But so, yeah, I do recommend not flying through the main story, but you'll know the point where you should at least like get to before you stop.
Speaker 2:
I was assuming that it was going to be like Skyrim in a way. Like you know, when you get the shells from the graybeard then like, oh, I should probably start doing shit now, type of thing. I'm pretty sure.
Speaker 1:
Yeah, it could be something like that. Maybe I don't know.
Speaker 2:
I feel like that's what it's going to be like, because I know there's. I don't know, I don't think this is spoilers, since it's in the trailer, like the cosmic powers thing.
Speaker 1:
Is that in the trailer?
Speaker 2:
Yeah, it is.
Speaker 1:
I didn't know about it. I didn't know. I didn't know about it either. Now I do. Now I can just stop playing down.
Speaker 3:
Thanks, I'm just kidding, okay.
Speaker 2:
But I'm guessing at like one point. They're like here you go and you can go, piss off and do something else, sure.
Speaker 1:
Yeah, it's there's. There's so much to do.
Speaker 2:
I spent that's that's why I've spent so much time in that game is just the sheer amount of exploration and just doing shit I'm worried about how much I have to push until like I start really enjoying it because like I get immersed a little bit here and there but some of the controls are kind of vague and like confusing Like the scanning creatures is weird. I don't understand that at all. Like what am I supposed to?
Speaker 1:
do, it doesn't happen. You have to go you have to get it close to them so you can do it to them when they're dead.
Speaker 2:
It didn't work when they were dead.
Speaker 1:
When you killed it, it might have counted it as a scan. I've noticed like sometimes that will happen too. I'm not sure the whole detail in that, but yeah, if you can get up close to them, like a lot of times I'll just run up to them, press E, run away and then start shooting them if they're not nice.
Speaker 2:
I ran into the enemy called the stalker and that thing is fucking weird.
Speaker 1:
Yeah, it's like a praying mantis type thing.
Speaker 2:
Like I guess. So Like when I went up to him at first he seemed like he was friendly but he was like frightened by me and he kept backing up. And then, one point, he said, fuck this. He started beating the shit out of me.
Speaker 1:
If you read the details with your scanner up, it'll tell you a lot about like what, how it's temperament is, like is it aggressive, is it defensive, is it timid, like, if it's a defensive animal, it's going to be like dude, get away until, like you've kind of encroached in its area and then it's like okay, bitch, come get some. So I'll say this, and this is probably a good argument point I have a problem with the planets where any, if you just choose a random place to land, there's always going to be something in the chunk that you've loaded into. Does that make sense? Like there's always going to be some kind of like facility with people on it, good or bad. Is that a bad thing? Is it like you want to find undiscovered territory? You want to be a colonizer to a to a degree? Like I think it would be cool, like I mean, I just I think it pulls the immersion away from me a little bit. I don't know Cause if you found something somebody else already did. Oh, I mean, yeah, that's fine, but the problem is these facilities are all the same. Yeah, you know I'm marginalized man. It's like, uh, q-doba, any Q-Doba you go into is going to be the same. I get that they just figured it out. No, they, but there's not enough variation in these, in these facilities at all.
Speaker 3:
There's like exactly how many? How?
Speaker 1:
much variation is there in a Q-Doba. I'm not fucking flying to space Q-Doba, I'm not. I'm not running up. Actually, it's funny because there's sometimes burritos on these things too. Steve, you can find burritos which food is completely fucking useless in this game, so don't waste your time in space.
Speaker 2:
Don't even waste your time. I've been picking up a lot of stuff.
Speaker 1:
If you look at the stats, it'll heal. I think the best one heals like 25 health.
Speaker 2:
I thought it was like food in Skyrim, or you like, pick up cheese wheel and does like yeah, and you could like yeah, just fucking, live off of cheese wheels.
Speaker 1:
Yep, nope, god, no, I. I was always struggling with inventory management and uh, no, it's. It's rough because, like you, don't need food.
Speaker 3:
So just pick up, medpacks yeah.
Speaker 1:
If you can get Medpacks and some other stuff like what should you be looking out for?
Speaker 2:
Well, I'm like looting, because there's so much shit everywhere and it's confusing.
Speaker 1:
With how easy it is to stumble upon a facility on a planet at any random chunk. Uh, only pick stuff up as you really need it. Or if you find something really rare uh, rarity of items is only on the weapons. If you if on the on the infill bar of it, it'll tell you what it is. And then there's like some green, like or blue purple, whatever green, like dots, one, two, three, four, five. Uh, that'll tell you like what skill level, like you'll end up using this in something. So, to be honest, if you go into your like research projects or if you're at an outpost, you can like um show like you can highlight those items like you're searching for them. So when you're out looking for things, it'll have like a little green magnifying glass and then you know, oh, I should probably pick that up because I need this for this project. So that's something I didn't really like start utilizing until you know, 20 hours in.
Speaker 2:
So do you, do you need to be base building in that game, or can you say, fuck that and do whatever you want?
Speaker 1:
My recommendation, since you guys aren't too far into it, get at least one base. Not a base, but some kind of mining operation, where so you'll need some miners. Oh, not that kind of child labor, yeah, I mean, depends on what part of the star system you're in, I guess. But uh, no, but get yourself, get yourself some, or extractors, get yourself some storage, and get yourself a car and, um, one of the cargo platforms and then you link that all up and it'll go and offload it to another planet. Now, how I've only started learning this just like recently, so how this actually turns into money making, I don't know yet, but I'll let you know what I do. Oh, okay, so outside of that you do not need an outpost anywhere, like maybe once you get to the unsettled, like unexplored systems, like it probably will be helpful, so you have a place to sleep and stuff like that outside your ship.
Speaker 2:
But yeah, I was. I was hoping it can role play as like a bounty hunter for, say you definitely can. Like is there? Is there a lot of like bounty, hunter, ask, dialogue, type of things?
Speaker 1:
Some. Yeah, there's a lot of bounty missions. There's a lot of there's. There's. There's some bounty hunting. For sure, my character doesn't do a whole lot of it, but there is All right.
Speaker 2:
So I probably have to dive a little more into it, but right now it's. This game was always under my radar anyway, I don't really. Yeah, like I wasn't hype part, so I think I think so here.
Speaker 1:
It's an interesting thing, though, because I feel like a lot of people are really pumping it up, because I feel like a lot of people are also, so they're artificially inflating their opinions of this game, because a lot of people are ignorantly just shitting on the game as well. So, like you're kind of getting that, that polarizing kind of perspective on what this game is, and people are like oh it's shit. Oh, it's the greatest thing ever. It's not, it's it's. This game is truly one of those in the middle gray good games that you can sink ours in, If you. My recommendation is play your character. If you can play and be into who your character is, you're going to have a really good time with it, and that's how I've enjoyed it so much. So it's a Bethesda RPG, is what you're telling me. Yeah Well, like, yeah, Like Skyrim. I just you know I, you could just go around and kill shit and whatever Like that's. I feel like this one's a little different. There's a little bit more. I keep using the word nuance and it's not really quite the right word, but it's just a different, feel, Sure. So also, it runs like shit. I have a 4090 and I get like 50 frames per second. I don't know why people are having issues.
Speaker 2:
Oh yeah, I dropped frames on new Atlantis on the X box.
Speaker 1:
You don't. You don't even get 60 frames, I get 50, and that's with the LSS running at 75%. So this is a sidebar topic, by the way. Fsr three, by the way, they're planning on being universal, that everyone can use. Everyone can already use FSR two. Okay, and they. I mean, I have it, I have it on in the game. So using FSR two at two K. I don't have any two K, come on. I don't have a four K. I don't play my two K monitors better than my four K monitor.
Speaker 3:
Dude, if I ran it in two K, I mean I had 500 frames per second, but you know, I'd also be living like a hobo.
Speaker 1:
Okay, wow, thanks. Sorry, get a four K monitor. It's 2023. Jesus. Christ, I have one right here I have one right here, but it's not the best. It only gets only a 60 hurt monitor anyway. It's like it doesn't fucking matter. Well, you're not going to hit 60. Yeah, I don't know. Like I said, I I have zero issues. Um, like, I've never like people. I see people complaining. I'm like what the fuck are you guys complaining about? I haven't. I've had, literally, and even on my uh 30, 70 upstairs and that's on a 10, 700, uh no issues. I have a feeling that the game is mostly CPU bound, because I get very similar performance on my 30 80 as I do with my 40 90. So yeah, I don't know if it's going to be or it could be. See, I was thinking it had to have been GPU, because I have a 10 700 upstairs, yeah, and it runs fine up there Now, granted that one's only running two K two, but I guess I don't know. Um, oh, I do, I know what you want to go with this. Oh, the top, the top, the top interview.
Speaker 3:
Jesus Christ. So was it Phil Spencer who asked him.
Speaker 1:
No, I don't know if I can tell him if Phil Spencer was there. So Todd Howard was asked like why didn't you optimize it for PC and Todd Howard? was like, yeah, I was like we did. You should just buy a better PC. So it's coming from a guy who has a 40, 90, literally the greatest graphics card on the market right now, and I can only get 50 frames per second with upscaling. See, I don't know, I kind of, I almost don't believe it. I'm going to play on my, on the fork. Well, I guess it wouldn't matter. No, I should, just just to see what kind of frames I get.
Speaker 2:
I should run it on my PC and see what happens.
Speaker 1:
You don't think that. I'm assuming you have it on steam, right, josh? Yeah, of course. So I've been playing the Xbox game pass version. I don't think, like usually it's the other way around, but I wonder if that has something to do with it too. I doubt it has anything to do with it, are you? Running ultra.
Speaker 2:
Everything, yeah, everything's ultra, except for motion blur is off, but to be fair, it's two.
Speaker 1:
It's two K though. Like I'm, I'm, I'm pushing twice as many pixels. So correct, yep. No, that's why I'm like maybe I'll throw it on the four K monitor here after the show and just kind of see what I get. I get okay performance with the 40 90, like in internal areas Okay, but if I'm in a city.
Speaker 3:
I'm maxing at 50 frames per second. God.
Speaker 1:
I don't know, but we're also. You know, back in the day we were playing Skyrim at fucking 30 frames. I was going to say like, and I'm not a stickler, like I can play games at 30 FPS. The steam deck helped me with that. Like I'm my steam deck. If I'm in games at 30, I'm like, fuck yeah. So like I don't, I don't mind dropping below 60, but I'm my, I'm my main, I know, but I'm my main rig. Like I'm used to 120. Like I can run most everything at 120. So it's it's crazy that I'm getting less than half of that with this game, you know the other part of that too, just just before we move on. It's like I would expect it if it was something like Star Citizen, where everything's fucking loading here as we go, but like we're talking about chunked up, you know, pre-rendered. Well, that could be it too, like it's. It's not streaming the textures, it's actually loading.
Speaker 4:
It loads everything. It loads everything. That creation engine sucks. Yeah, trust me.
Speaker 1:
And we've talked about this in the past as somebody who has intimate knowledge of like designing stuff in the creation engine thanks to our machinima, like, that engine is horribly optimized. It loads an entire, what they call cells. Yeah, it loads the entire cell at once. So like, for example, fallout three, when you go to Megaton, you load the entire Megaton. It's in memory, it's it's being like rendered everything all at once. So they had to be very careful with that and I feel like, as time has gone on, they haven't improved the engine, but they're like ah, computers are powerful enough, we can just chuck tons of shit in here, and it's like eh, you can't that's good, that's a good point. I didn't think about it that way until just now. I'm like, fuck, that's right, they fucking load the entire chunk, the entire cell. Yeah.
Speaker 2:
Or cell, whatever, yeah.
Speaker 1:
So, like when you're outside, like in Fallout four, to be fair, like the like the entire wasteland, like it's not one cell, it's multiple cells. But yeah, it's still, like you said, it's not really streamed, it's a no, it's a horribly inefficient engine, which that's why I'm saying, like if we could just fucking figure this out to have this texture stream, like what star citizen does I like, I feel like. I hate to say this because it's such a homogenized thing, but, like CD, project red figured it out. They tried to make cyberpunk in their engine and it was too vast. They're like we fucked up Our next game. We're just doing it. You know what I mean. Like right, so better engines exist. Stop using your own, just pay the licensing fee and use a better engine, which I feel like I guess, like once you make the engine, like the initial cost, it's like right, it's like making your own website or your own software. Like it's like that is an upfront investment that you can then use to save money on future investments, which that that's what I kind of well, that's, but it, but it's. The problem is like, yeah, it's an upfront investment, but over time that's going to, because you don't have a team unless you do, because you don't have a team solely dedicated to upgrading that engine, you're just going to fall behind and you're going to end up in this exact same spot 10 years down the line, Whereas if you have somebody like Unreal, who's? consistently working on improving this engine and you can just utilize it like and that's why I said like it sucks, because I don't want everything to be unreal, because then everything's going to look the same, but it works, yeah, it works and it looks great, it looks great, it runs great. I was going to say it's not even a restart and before, like the thing was the fucking texture load in, pop in unreal Like that's, you can tell. Yeah.
Speaker 2:
Back in the day.
Speaker 1:
Well, nowadays it's like it's seamless man, like it's, it's so good.
Speaker 2:
Speaker 1:
I want is for Capcom to start allowing other people to use their resident evil engine, because that thing is a fucking dream, it's all good too. Yeah, it runs on anything. It looks great. Yeah so yeah, it's a good point. Whatever that's not, I don't want to.
Speaker 3:
I don't want to fall into.
Speaker 1:
Yeah, we can say whatever happened to render where, render where, because whatever happened to render where, the fuck is render where. I don't even remember that. That's what everything ran on in, like the PS2 era, really. Yeah, oh, I didn't know that, sorry.
Speaker 3:
All right, that's fine, but anyways, rant over.
Speaker 1:
Yeah, welcome to bucket bites, where we rant about everything. By the way, that was probably the longest single topic we've ever discussed on this show Starfield just now but I feel like there's so much to talk about we love Todd Howard.
Speaker 3:
And we'll continue, like I'm sure, as time goes by, like as I get to play it more as down get to play it more as you get to play it more, as Logan gets to play it more and like I'm sure we'll be talking about Starfield for that.
Speaker 1:
That reminds oh shit, hopefully there's not a timer on that, but that reminds me that we're doing a giveaway for bucket bites game in the month it's going to be, Starfield and also Alan Wake, and I'm doing it different this time it's only going to be those to whoever watches this live. So I like that. So, catch it, catch us live. You can do exclamation point raffle. You're not going to do like people who want to Watch the VODs. It's hard because I'm running it through the extension. On, on a Twitch.
Speaker 2:
Yeah, but.
Speaker 1:
I'm going to leave it running. So I mean, I guess, if you're watching or listening to this, feel free to go to our buck twitchtv to slash bucket bites. Go to the chat and do exclamation point raffle dash one space one, and that'll probably still work too. So, we're going to be doing Starfield and Alan Wake for the month of September here. How exciting so games that you're going to want to play. Yes, I agree. So I'm just trying to get through, get through a little bit more Starfield before I start playing Alan Wake again, but I should just get get on to Alan Wake. Yeah. Because I'm waiting for Starfield to either get some patches or some mods. Some mods, yeah, I want the.
Speaker 2:
NPCs to at least to look, you know, like approachable, without me going like, yeah, what is that?
Speaker 1:
Dude Dom. That sounds like something I would. I would complain about. It's a good point.
Speaker 2:
That's exactly what they look like. It's so uncanny.
Speaker 1:
Are you calling Josh? What are you calling Uncanny? What is it with the MPs? They're like uncanny, Just like look at you yeah. But a point I wanted to make, though, was like it's not the greatest game of the year. It like I don't think, no, I don't think anybody can in the right mind consider Starfield game of the year. So I know we just had Arbor Corps come out recently, which was really good. from what I hear, I have not played it myself, but I've heard it's really good, even though it's a little bit short. Nothing wrong with things that are short. Sometimes those are the things you like the most. That's right, josh, I appreciate that. But what I want, what I wanted to say, I just totally lost my train of thought. Oh, what is your game of the month up to this point? Year?
Speaker 3:
Speaker 1:
Year. Yeah, sorry, game of the year, because, going back, what do we have? We had Hogwarts, which I think at this point has been completely overshadowed, so Hogwarts might be mine. It's either Hogwarts or Resident Evil 4. The remake, oh okay.
Speaker 3:
It's probably Hogwarts, though. I enjoyed that game a lot.
Speaker 4:
I'm going to say Hogwarts, I'm going to put my foot down.
Speaker 1:
That's good. Did you see the group of people I should? Go ahead there. No, fuck me. Diablo 4. Really. D4?. Yeah, I forgot about Diablo 4. Ahh, that I think that I okay. All right, it's not a bad choice. I'll say that down. What about you?
Speaker 2:
Dude, honestly, I have nothing. I haven't played.
Speaker 1:
I was a see, you've been playing games really.
Speaker 2:
Yeah, no, I've been Interested in any of these games that been coming out recently. Okay my games are coming out soon, though, like the yakuza, like a dragon games are coming out. In more combat one is coming out, so I would assume that I'm gonna choose the like a dragon game, because those games are fun.
Speaker 1:
Well, that'll be good. They're not coming out this year, though, are they? I thought that was.
Speaker 2:
One of them is coming in November. The other one is gonna take a long time.
Speaker 1:
Yeah well, you shouldn't came out this year. Did you play that yet?
Speaker 2:
Oh no, it isn't. You shouldn't like a remake.
Speaker 1:
I yes it is. It's a. It's a remake of a ps3 game, but still yeah, I haven't played that one.
Speaker 2:
I was I. I don't know if it be fun or not.
Speaker 1:
That is a really good chat. Polar nights I love this podcast is the perfect evolution of beard grow. Oh dude.
Speaker 2:
Pokemon evolutions.
Speaker 1:
Just the second episode in a row now. Yeah, someone just comes in and follows and they're like all the beards, the beards but, I'm trying. I got a great goatee, but everything else is. It's trying to catch up. Yeah, dom, Dom's got it on the top of his head more than some of us can say.
Speaker 2:
Yeah oh yeah, you two are balding bro balding.
Speaker 1:
Yeah, I'm just my gosh. I like how kaisen's like number two would be power wash simulator. I think that came out like eight years ago, but that's all right, yeah. I mean they've been released in DLC steady. Um, there was a back to the future one recently, right?
Speaker 2:
Yeah, there was, there was.
Speaker 1:
oh shit, that is cool, I might and like Laura's mansion from Tomb Raider, yep.
Speaker 3:
Yeah, they had a lot of really stuff with that.
Speaker 1:
Fuck yeah that's awesome. So I don't mean this, I mean it's not a real game of the year contender, but and I don't mean this sarcastically, but that the one where you cut grass, lawn mowing simulator, yeah, that was such a very zen style type of game for me. No, those games are great. Like I loved um house flipper simulator. I played the shit out of that, just like knocking down walls and and and sure you know, rearranging everything. I was like hell yeah like I ain't doing that in my own house, but Well, yeah, but it's in a video game, so much easier. Dude, exactly, man, I don't like cutting grass, you know, I will say, as we're on the game of the year topic, yeah, yeah, like to this day, I still think like one of my favorite games this year is high-fi rush. Oh yeah, the one that just like shadow dropped shadow.
Speaker 3:
Yeah, yeah, yeah, like that game was still one of my favorite so far.
Speaker 1:
It's a. Put that on my list, dude it's, especially since it's on game pass. I feel like it's a, um, the perfect throwback to like ps2 era platforms, right, like that's what I felt, like I was playing a ps2 game in a good way, like just in terms of how it was designed, because it's such a old school platform like 3d platformer, but it's all rhythm-based too, and obviously I'm a big fan of that kind of stuff. Did you? Were tangenting again, but uh, speaking of rhythm games, there was a health metal health singer. That was a rhythm-based first person shooter. I. It was like yeah, I thought when it was released yeah, but I never. I never checked it out, I never checked it out. I think. I think that that'd be a fun little. I think you'd enjoy that for a while.
Speaker 3:
I probably would, yeah.
Speaker 2:
I played a little bit of that game. It has a pretty killer soundtrack. Yeah, I just wish I was better at it.
Speaker 1:
I'm gonna like hitting it on.
Speaker 2:
Yeah, it's weird.
Speaker 1:
My timing's all off. Well, someone, that's latency too. But anyways, back to game of the year. Um, like, I think it was. Uh, who was it in chat? Uh, kison, again, bg3, boulders gate. You know that I think right now that is by. Like, that's the fan favorite, I think yeah. Uh, and so far I'm in agreement with it. I just wish that act 3 wasn't so rough. Like it's yeah rough. There are dogs in it actually.
Speaker 2:
Yes, I want to try boulders gate, but like I don't, I don't think it's on xbox anytime soon.
Speaker 1:
No, but if I mean I uh, you have to computer. Yeah, go to dark fusion. Um, I gotta. I still have to get into it, but I don't I like However long into it.
Speaker 3:
I am and I want to check steam and actually see, so I can give a good.
Speaker 1:
Uh, okay, I'm only an hour and a half into it but Like I, I don't know, like nothing's gripping me to the point where I'm just like oh yeah, I gotta keep playing this game. So oh, come on hold, on pause. Kyson in the chat gave me your discussion as hard. When lies of p hasn't come out yet, did you play the demo? Did anybody play the demo of lies of p? I was going to. I never ended up doing it. Um, but that's that's very much a. That's very much a souls like style. Well, I was gonna, yeah, I was gonna say lies of p is just, uh, bad blood board. So Just play blood board if you want to play lies of p Just yeah, but lies of p, that's pa. No, isn't that Pinocchio or something like that? It's Pinocchio yeah but what? If you, yeah, it's, it's, it's like a, it's Pinocchio in blood born Pinocchio, killing like killer monsters from hell, or yes, yeah, they're.
Speaker 2:
they're like toys.
Speaker 1:
They're other toys Like yeah, yeah, yep, yep, yep, it's, it's. I played the demo and I wanted to like it because it was just trying to be blood born, but it feels like a game that's just trying to be blood born and it is. It is not good, have you? Have you still not played Elden ring yet, tesh? I have not played Elden ring. I have not played Sekiro.
Speaker 2:
Okay, oh wow.
Speaker 1:
Fair enough, fair enough. The last souls born game I played was Dark Souls 3. Okay, gotcha fair enough. Um Okay, when does mk1 come out?
Speaker 2:
um. For people who pre-ordered it September 14th. For people who haven't, september 19th.
Speaker 1:
So how come you didn't say that game was on your list for gaming the year down?
Speaker 2:
Yes, I did say that I did say like for like the future games he fucking said he fucking said the other one. Yeah, you did say like a dragon yeah yeah, I did say like a dragon as well. I said like those would probably be on my game of the year list, depending on how they are before we get into world combat.
Speaker 1:
If we're counting future games, alan wake 2 is my game of the year. I don't even care how good it is, I Hold on josh. So I I saw um two days ago. It was ign recorded some gameplay for it. Yeah, like 11 new minutes. Yeah, there was a lot some things in it that I didn't. I didn't. I didn't watch anything that I didn't watch anything that I didn't watch. I didn't watch anything that I didn't watch at all. I didn't even. It turned me off a little bit, so I'm just gonna wait, not watch anything. Oh, no, yeah, I haven't watched anything, but I did read that um Ate is in it.
Speaker 4:
So yeah, yeah, yeah, they they showed it in the little.
Speaker 1:
It's yeah, oh, I didn't know that actually.
Speaker 3:
Yeah, it's open world.
Speaker 1:
Yeah, they announced it's an open world survival horror game.
Speaker 3:
When they first announced it. That's what they touted it as, so.
Speaker 1:
Okay, all right, but I'm assuming it's gonna be open world in the same way. Control was open world, sure. Oh, then see, I think that's acceptable, that's fine. I just a lot of the conversations had that kind of like Didn't feel like it quite fit in, sure, you know, it's just like not all there.
Speaker 2:
What's the uh? Oh sorry.
Speaker 1:
I just real quick I want to say old man assassin in twitch chat. What was the game? If you remind me what was the name of the game that you told me I got that. I got a look into this here. There's another one that's very much same style of Liza P, but anyways, go ahead Dem.
Speaker 2:
Um was the first Alan Wake like a linear game 100% yeah. Oh, okay.
Speaker 1:
Lord's of the fall I had, okay. Yeah, my best way to describe it is Imagine every linear Xbox 360 game. But good, and that's Alan Wake. Okay.
Speaker 2:
Speaker 1:
To the game like I Wish more people. What was the problem with that? There was another game that came out around red redemption.
Speaker 4:
Yeah, that's what it was. It came out the same day, yeah.
Speaker 1:
That's a shame because that game really like so, is so good and that's why it's also one of our games of the month. So, yes, alan Wake is such a good game. Still to this day, the amount of story that's hidden within the game and in like external stuff, like that, was so good Dom has never played yet. Still, I, dom, I have a challenge for you and I really like that's part of like the game of the month thing was to like we would all play it and like Explain our experiences.
Speaker 2:
We've never.
Speaker 1:
We've never been good at that so far, but no. This is. This is absolutely one of those where I want you To play this game and I want to know your thoughts, like, just because it's in chapters, like you could just play a chapter a week or whatever, just to just to get through. I think there's like what a?
Speaker 3:
uh, I Think six chapters right six.
Speaker 1:
Yeah, I think it's six chapters.
Speaker 3:
Well, and it's also. It's not a long game by any stretch of the imagination.
Speaker 1:
It's like it's like eight to ten out like ten hours Maybe probably max, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2:
I know I watched the gearhead play a little bit of it a while ago well, Well it was a long long time ago now.
Speaker 1:
Yeah, that was, but I'd give. I really want you to give it a try and Let me, let me, let me know what you think. I want you to beat it actually and then watch out because there might be a what you need to know. Yes, you can get all the lore behind all of control, because yeah because control is definitely part of the universe.
Speaker 2:
Yeah, okay, All right. Well, I'll try to do it for this one.
Speaker 1:
No, you should. I definitely recommend Ellen Lake like it's such a good Narrative experience. It's like watching a TV show. That's what they're trying to do, yeah yeah oh dude, they had all the little like TV segments like that you could sit there and watch to do that too. Yeah, the nice, I always like those. You know, maybe I'm just you know, I don't know. It's a bit nostalgia, it's a bit nostalgia, but also that game and it like I went back and replayed it last year and it is, yeah, it still fucking holds up.
Speaker 3:
I love that game.
Speaker 1:
So down. If I buy you that game, would you feel obligated then to have to play it?
Speaker 2:
Of course, but I don't want you to buy it for me, because I could just buy it for myself.
Speaker 1:
Okay, just buy it for yourself, then it's cheaper for me, so, but anyways. So mortal combat's coming out here. Hold on real quick before we get into that, because I, I will extend mortal combat.
Speaker 3:
Talk out as far as possible In the chat. They're talking about bloodborne still, and I kind of said it really needs to be re-released in 60 frames per second. Mod PS4, they're so easy to do now, as long as you're not, like, on the latest firmware. So if you like you haven't turned your ps4 on in a while See if you can mod your Current ps4. Oh, it has to be pro though, I'm sorry.
Speaker 1:
So your ps4 pro if you got one mod it and and run the 60 frames per second patch of bloodborne and that shit is fantastic.
Speaker 3:
It's like a whole other game when you run bloodborne in 60 frames per second. It's one of the coolest things I've ever seen in my life.
Speaker 1:
That's all I had to say noted, and also before we talk about Mortal Kombat, lords of the Fallen is a game that's coming out this year. I it's not a new IP from my understanding. But it's very much. Yeah, it looks pretty slick. Snaction RPG Very, says the souls like style game. Oh yeah, this thing came out in 2014. Yeah, and it. This is the new other rebooting it? Yeah, I think they're rebooting it and it looks. It looks pretty slick. It's like my buddy old man down there. He, he reminded me today actually about it interesting.
Speaker 3:
I remember that game coming out for ps4 back in the day.
Speaker 1:
Kyson, if you still have a ps4 with PT on it, you can get stacks. Yes, so let's shit on eBay. Well, not necessarily anymore, because it's so easy to hack ps4s, I so I suppose you can just install it. Well, your window is closed, so never mind, just go. I guess we can just do whatever.
Speaker 3:
So my back your ps4 though Mortal Kombat. All right, this is my perfect time to take a bathroom break. Go ahead, guys.
Speaker 1:
I go yeah, so Josh's topic Forbidden, please. Mortal comes All right, mortal Kombat ones, as at Natara.
Speaker 3:
Speaker 1:
Natara will be portrayed by Megan Fox and her thumbs will be portrayed by Ryan post. Post your thumb, so he's not shocking, he's not talking about me looking like a thumb. But I have Megan Fox, megan, megan Fox thumbs On both of my hands. You didn't even show them. You got to show your thumbnail sign. I can't. They're like yeah, you turn it around.
Speaker 2:
There you go there.
Speaker 1:
There are you happy. Um, are you happy? I'm very happy, that's all. That is literally the only reason I wanted to share that story, cuz Megan Fox, everybody always makes fun of her thumbs because they're like, like the like. The thumbnails are really small and post has thumbs like that. We always used to give them shit. So that's right, that's all right. It's all right. I've only had to deal with it for a lifetime of harassment.
Speaker 2:
But, Natara starts from the 3d generation of Mortal Kombat games. She is a vampire kind of like Gremlin type of character. I don't know too much about her, since the 3d era of Mortal Kombat wasn't the games I played Can.
Speaker 3:
I take us. Can I take a quick aside?
Speaker 1:
Speaker 3:
Is there any toasties in 3d Mortal Kombat?
Speaker 2:
Yes, I think there is actually good. Go on. So, yeah, no, it's horror. Was an outworld vampire with wings and stuff I think she worked for, like Shao Kahn or something like that. That's all I know about Natara from that point, but I know this is the second time that Netherrealm Studios has brought in a Famous person to fully voice one of their characters for like story and etc. Well, john Claude Van Damme is in this one, isn't he? Yeah, he's a skin for Johnny Cage, but I mean like oh, he's a.
Speaker 3:
I thought he just played Johnny Cage, got it. No, it was the other one.
Speaker 2:
The other one was Rhonda Rousey in Mortal Kombat 11. She played Sonya Blade very poorly, but you know it's well, I was.
Speaker 1:
That's what I was gonna ask is did you watch the trailer with Megan Fox?
Speaker 2:
It's, it's horrible, he said.
Speaker 1:
She literally sounds like like post. Can you, can you, can you say something like that, like, hey, josh, I killed your father. I, hey, josh, I killed your father. I will avenge my father.
Speaker 2:
That's exactly how I'm so bad. It's so bad. Should I like you should look up. Yeah, here on Mortal.
Speaker 1:
Kombat one. Fuck. What's her name? Megan Fox, megan Fox.
Speaker 2:
Natara Around a row. He was the exact same way with Sonya.
Speaker 1:
Some of her voice lines, like Megan Fox, has been an actress for fucking 20 something years at this point, yeah she could deliver a slightly better performance. I'm going to. I'm going to play the trailer. Is it just to play the full two minute trailer or?
Speaker 3:
Yeah, she can stop already, I think.
Speaker 1:
OK, I just I want to hear it, so we're only going to hear it, I'm not going to pull it up on the stream. Sure, all right, oh we got that slide. Oh, I am Megan Fox and I'm voicing Natara. She comes from this weird realm she is like this creature she's wearing like this ultra pink, like puffy.
Speaker 2:
Yeah, it was. She's a vampire, which obviously yeah, like the 2000s.
Speaker 1:
Thanks for whatever reason.
Speaker 2:
It's cool to be in the game, you know, because I'm not really just voicing it. It'll be like she's kind of me, I'll steal detusion, kill you with it. You are welcome to try.
Speaker 1:
Wait, wait, hold on. Ok, hold on which. Do you have to stream up? Yeah, which one was she? Was she the one of the white?
Speaker 2:
No, she's the one to the left.
Speaker 4:
Yeah, she's the one already. Oh, she's the one in the red. Ok, all right. All right, it does yes.
Speaker 1:
Kaisen in the chat said actors really make good voice actors, which I will say like a voice actor is much better than an, than like a live action actor in voice acting roles. So that's that goes without saying. But this is like a, literally you pulled somebody off the street. You're like, hey, can you record this mortal combat?
Speaker 2:
character, like it is so bad. It's exactly how it felt with Ronda Rousey. I don't get why they were so poorly done and they did it twice now. I don't know why they it's for like, I guess.
Speaker 1:
Yeah, hold on, mark it Run. We got another line here. I want to hear it what did you do with Jen's body?
Speaker 2:
Poor Kung Lao. You'll never see her again. Moral combat.
Speaker 1:
It's just one of those staples All right, I can't, you know, I will say. I will say, though, the in that first voice clip that we heard, she sounded like the better actor between the two of them.
Speaker 2:
Yeah, both of them sounded pretty mediocre.
Speaker 1:
They were both very low.
Speaker 2:
Just like that wasn't, that was nervous.
Speaker 3:
Oh, the camera died.
Speaker 1:
Anyways, there we go Um but, yeah, uh, to be fair, like, yeah, it's not like mental combat and higher is great actors or voice actors. But like Ronda Rousey would make sense because she's not an actress, right, Like she's an athlete, so sure she. But Megan Fox is an actress. She has been again for 20 years. Like if all I had to do was play guitar for 20 years, I'd hope I can rip like one good solo when I needed to know what I mean, sure, so fair enough.
Speaker 3:
Speaker 2:
It's a fair yeah, I mean Mortal Kombat voice acting's always been weird. There's always like the hidden gems in there that are really good, and then there's some random dude that they got to help out with the game. Yeah from the voices I've heard so far Luke Kane, johnny Cage, sub zero and Scorpion all of them seem to have a good voice actors and I think those are going to be the main characters throughout the entire story.
Speaker 1:
So sounds, seems good, I guess, I guess we'll see.
Speaker 2:
I think it's a good way that Sorry.
Speaker 3:
I was just going to say. I think it's safe to say that the best voice actor will be John Cena.
Speaker 2:
Oh 100%.
Speaker 3:
At least we all agree.
Speaker 2:
Anyway. So the Shao Kahn is back in the game, like I mentioned previous episodes before, and he has the same voice actor from Mortal Kombat 11. He did an excellent job portraying that character and he's probably the best voice actor for Shao Kahn, so it's very exciting to see all that happen.
Speaker 1:
I don't know. I suggest jerking it, so I wanted to do it too. Whatever, whatever Dom talks, well about Mortal Kombat is like whatever. Yeah, I'm sure he was great in these games. We're done talking about M more, but I've done.
Speaker 2:
Let's talk about this. Is game anymore.
Speaker 1:
Sorry, it's my care, just trying to enjoy his game and Josh just like listen, I don't know. I wish I could. I wish I could give Dom the benefit of the doubt, because I don't like to be that guy like the, the shit on things that other people like, because I don't like him guy. Mortal Kombat is so bad, so it's hard to give the benefit of the doubt. This is, this is Dominance Villanar, right here. Or I said Dominance. I said Dominance.
Speaker 2:
Dominance I can agree with being shitty. I know a couple of times it's been really fucking bad, but it always it holds like a.
Speaker 1:
I suppose only a only a couple of times, if you need the past 30 years.
Speaker 3:
You know whatever.
Speaker 2:
Okay, nine was a good game.
Speaker 1:
No, it wasn't. I emailed the developers about how bad that game was. So, hey, you guys moving on from Mortal Kombat, yeah, it's gonna. It's gonna literally rip this show apart from the inside. Not as bad as the housing, though. That's true, but yeah, if you want to talk about housing and then playing Mortal Kombat in your new house, I'm done. I'm done. I'm done. I said nothing.
Speaker 2:
Uh, lenovo, so you got to tell me my own house.
Speaker 1:
Josh, you have the steam deck. You also have an ROG ally, correct? Are you going to be getting the Lenovo Legion?
Speaker 3:
Why do you even have to ask? Of course I have. I have.
Speaker 1:
I'm on the mailing list, I'm ready. Okay, can I ask why? Uh, I think the better question is, why not? So my understanding of this particular unit, I mean, it's a little bit better than your ally, right?
Speaker 3:
Specwise yes.
Speaker 1:
Slightly. It's got a slightly bigger screen, right? Yep. Same resolution, though, right? Yep?
Speaker 3:
As the ally.
Speaker 2:
Yes, as the ally.
Speaker 1:
Yes, and the only other thing is that it's got a faster clock on its Ram, is my understanding. Uh yeah, comparable CPU GPU performance and right, yeah, but outside of it having the yes, the detachable controller is the coolest thing to me. Okay, because it doubles as a tablet, just a normal Windows tablet. Yeah, and I don't know if you saw, the right, no the left.
Speaker 3:
No, the right, the right Um yeah, it has like a nice stick or something there.
Speaker 1:
And then it operates as a mouse. So if you put it on a table and like hold it upright and move it, it's like a mouse. So then you use the left stick as like your movement and then the right stick as a mouse as you're aiming. Okay, so like in first person shooter games, you get that additional you know, I have a feeling that I have a feeling that that's going to be complete garbage. Previewers absolutely love it.
Speaker 3:
Okay, so I'm absolutely, I'm very interested.
Speaker 1:
All right, so you're just going to take their word for it. I'm going to buy it regardless. So, all right, okay, thank you for taking care of that. Um, I actually might buy this thing, josh. I haven't jumped down yet. I was going to say yet you'd?
Speaker 3:
so, logan, as a steam deck, yes, you have neither you don't have a ally or a steam deck. You don't have a portable PC yet.
Speaker 1:
No, but what makes you jump on this one versus the past two? So, honestly, a lot of it has to do with the detachable fucking controller. Number two. I think it looks a lot nicer and sleeker. It looks like it has better, like ergonomics ergonomics, so I will say that every previewer I've seen review this thing has said the ergonomics are better than the ally, but not as good as the steam deck. The steam deck has absolutely phenomenal ergonomics. Well, I think the perform, the enhanced performance, is worth.
Speaker 3:
Yeah, the screen alone is better than the steam deck but let's take a step back.
Speaker 1:
As to what about the detachable controller?
Speaker 3:
panels makes you more excited for this one.
Speaker 1:
So I haven't done too much research on it. I just I literally just saw it today for the first time. So, like I did all my reading up on it today, I really so if I'm going to have something with me, like as a portable device, because, like when I play my switch right now if I ever do nine times out of 10, I'm taking the controllers off and just holding them in my hands and kind, of just like and just like playing with it, like next to me, you know. So I'm not like holding it like this or how you know and it falls on your face and yeah, I just so. That's a, that's a big part of it and I just, you know, I just I think maybe it's, I'm ready. I don't know what the storage capacity is on the ally. Is it because this one, you? There's a one terabyte version of it? Yeah, I don't. I think it was 512 on the ally, but I did swap it out.
Speaker 3:
It's very easy to swap out and I swapped it out with a two terabyte, okay.
Speaker 1:
Well. So this looks like it has a one terabyte internal with micro SD yeah, slot as well. Yeah, and to be fair, the ally does have an SD card slot. So does the Steam Deck, but the I talked about it in a previous episode the SD card slot of the ally is right next to the exhaust fan. So it overheats and dies. So well, hopefully it's not. Well, that doesn't appear to be the case on the Legion. It looks like it would. I would hope not. It looks like it's on top and not next to. Also, this thing has two USB type C fucking ports for some reason. Yeah, two is cool, the other ones have one. I don't know why. What's? What would the purpose be?
Speaker 3:
one for charging and one for an accessory.
Speaker 1:
What kind of accessory do you need? I, if you want to have a, you know, maybe a controller, maybe a headphone, maybe a, maybe a like if you're, if you're docking it like just an external, display so you could charge your phone with it.
Speaker 3:
I like it.
Speaker 1:
I all I know is I saw this today and I, just when I read about it, I'm like, oh, maybe it is time for me to actually fucking jump in. And that only 700.
Speaker 3:
Dude, at 750 bucks for one tear, yeah it's, yeah, the price is is phenomenal on this thing.
Speaker 1:
Well, the other thing is like I feel like in the past.
Speaker 2:
I'm sorry 750.
Speaker 1:
Oh, so I mean, and the other one's 600. Yeah or no, it's 699. So for 50 extra bucks, you get double the capacity of storage. So I know HDR, though. No, that's what sucks about these screens on it, well, I guess it's probably a power consumption thing, but sure, yeah, none of these screens have like HDR compatibility. None of them are OLED. Like you think you'd see one of these portable devices with an OLED screen. Yeah, like I said, I think I'm ready to jump on board.
Speaker 3:
So I will say I played so many more video games, since getting my Steam Deck and Ally, just because I can play them on the couch.
Speaker 1:
Well, hey, if I could play fucking Baldur's Gate on a handheld. I guess that's why that's how I played it. That's it.
Speaker 2:
It'll be over so can I like, derail this just a tiny bit. We were talking about, like screens and OLED screens. So once the time that you would like replace a monitor and upgrade, essentially, every six months, if you're me. Oh, okay.
Speaker 1:
My answer to that question is when people start making fun of me for having only 1080p or only 2K or you know, what is 2K Is? 2k 1440?.
Speaker 2:
Yeah, so I've been trying to figure out if I should like start getting a new monitor If this one's dying out on me or like dying out on me If Starfield is showing highlighter green plants, maybe.
Speaker 3:
Now's the time I don't know Cause like.
Speaker 2:
I tried to. I can make this a whole tangent. I won't get into it. Why not? Well, cause like it'll be more derailing and even more derailing.
Speaker 1:
All right, all right, fair enough, fair enough, but they're apparently at Gamescom. They were demoing behind closed doors. A switch to. You guys hear about that yeah allegedly and allegedly, the graphics are as good as your present day PlayStation and Xbox.
Speaker 2:
Oh, allegedly, I think it's possible.
Speaker 1:
I think it's possible, not like running. I mean, if you're not running, okay, if it's not running 4K and you're not running. Ray tracing on these fucking things like the current, like next gen consoles, are you could?
Speaker 3:
run ray tracing, though you could run ray.
Speaker 1:
Sure, but you. But is it so so?
Speaker 3:
so let me explain why I think that this is possible and why I've been so excited for a switch to. So who makes the SOC on the switch post?
Speaker 1:
The what.
Speaker 3:
The SOC.
Speaker 1:
What is an?
Speaker 2:
Speaker 1:
I don't know what an SOC is. Are you guys? Are you guys?
Speaker 3:
I'm not, I'm not troll.
Speaker 1:
No, oh, I got to find out what the actual um, what the actual acronym stamps for Hold on.
Speaker 3:
It is system on chip, so essentially, who makes the motherboard?
Speaker 1:
Who makes the processor here? If I had to, I don't know. I feel like AMD is in bed with all these fucking gaming platforms. So, nope, not on the switch. Is it Intel? Nope, you don't know what the switch is. No, I have no idea. Nvidia Basically everything internal on the switch is Nvidia, right, okay, oh, that's why I meant by saying in time and idiot. So what I've been so excited about is that I've been able to figure out. What I'm so excited about is DLSS on a switch to so if you put enough tensor cores in a switch to you don't need a lot of processing power to make that thing look good in both handheld mode and doc mode. Fair enough. Like DLSS was like built for switch right, because, like handheld mode and doc mode are the same thing, that you just crank up the tensor cores and upscale. I have high hopes that the switch to with enough processing power, combined with DLSS 3.5 and maybe even four if it's you know in the works could be a game changer for hardware and software. Hmm, oh man, future gaming, portable gaming is going to be interesting because here I am getting all excited over this Lenovo thing, right when we could have a switch to read around the corner. Although not a big Nintendo, I'm not a big Nintendo guy. I don't really get into the Nintendo games as much, so I don't know. Like I will say, I didn't like this. Elder games, I didn't like Breath of the Wild, orteers of the Kingdom, sure, but Super Mario Odyssey is one of the greatest games I've ever played in my entire life.
Speaker 2:
So that game is so fun, such a good. I can't wait for the. If they do make a second one, I will be getting it immediately.
Speaker 3:
And Bowser's Fury was pretty good, but I won an Odyssey too, so that would definitely be very good.
Speaker 1:
Perhaps one day.
Speaker 2:
Oh wait, it won't be voiced by Charles Marinette, though. Charles Marinette, marinette, I mean, yeah, the puppet. Wait, I was Marinette. What's his last day?
Speaker 1:
I don't know, but it's not Marinette, because that's what it was.
Speaker 2:
Well, yeah, it's, I think it's Martin net, martin net, yeah, martin, oh yeah.
Speaker 3:
Martin net.
Speaker 2:
He's not going to be voicing Mario anymore.
Speaker 1:
No, he's retired, he's an ambassador now.
Speaker 2:
He's the Mario ambassador now.
Speaker 1:
Well, it'd be great. We could just have Chris Pratt from now on. I want it. I want to be hilarious. Actually, that's why I want I ironically want him to play Mario forever. Now, you know, I'll just say it. I didn't think his little Mario voice was that bad, granted he didn't use it. I still haven't seen it.
Speaker 2:
He does it one line in the movie.
Speaker 1:
No, yeah, but he does one line mimicking oh.
Speaker 2:
Oh, that was like. That was like the commercial.
Speaker 1:
He does multiple, it just lets it go and he goes. Wahoo, I guess, I guess, but I guess, all right, I'll concede that victory to you, josh.
Speaker 3:
I haven't even seen the movie, but it was in the trailer that did yeah.
Speaker 1:
I mean, I guess I didn't think about those little kind of little. Oh, the Wahoo, the little Wahoo. Yeah, I didn't, yeah, I didn't, I didn't even think about it. But hey, just to move forward a little bit, we are doing our game of the month again. We mentioned it before Alan Wake and Starfield. If you guys want to enter in that, you're going to go to our twitch page, twitchtv, slash bucket bites, do exclamation point raffle space, one to get entered and they'll be running until the end of the month. On the last stream of the month we will give that giveaway. And then also quick shout out to our friends Dark Fusion Systems. Great guys will help you build what you want and what you need. I don't what's that even mean? Josh just turned off his can. I have no idea what that means, josh.
Speaker 2:
You, you missed that one, I think.
Speaker 1:
I must have missed that one, but anyways. Dark Fusion Systems. She's a chat like what From last week. I don't even remember why I got to run to the bathroom. Okay, that's fine, but no Dark Fusion Systems. Talk to. Henry mentioned bucket bites. You get a hundred and fifty dollars off of your next PC, which is not a lot, not a small amount of money to be saving. So make sure you check them out. They're great and I love them are amazing. They are great, and we just gave away one of the PCs, so Josh literally got up as I was trying to transition into going into a game, but so that's okay.
Speaker 2:
Okay, well, we can make up something now, that's fine.
Speaker 1:
Oh, actually I will say, if we did do that giveaway last week, it's already in transit. If you, you know, obviously you guys all didn't win someone named Teresa did deal with it. Get over with it, and she won't even come on my show because she hates me apparently. I don't know, she won't respond to my emails anymore, but scared her away bro. I did. I'm like she's like what I gotta? I gotta make a video. I gotta come on the show, I gotta talk. I ain't talking to you, you fucking loser. That's what she's thinking.
Speaker 2:
Thanks for the PC, idiot.
Speaker 1:
Yeah you, yeah you, fucking idiot, I'm out of here. But no, next week we have a nice little special announcement with Henry at Dark Fusion System. So if you didn't get a PC but you still want one, well, there might be something on the on the horizon coming along that we're going to be announcing next week. It's pretty slick, so it's a quote unquote scary good, I have to say that because that's a hint.
Speaker 2:
So I see what you're going with.
Speaker 1:
I see what you're putting, but it's not, it's not a true like scary thing. You know, it's not like an actual. Like you shouldn't be scared. Like guys, come on, this is great. You know, while we're waiting for Josh, just everybody in chat. How's everybody doing out there? You guys having fun tonight? Hopefully you guys are.
Speaker 2:
We sure hope so.
Speaker 1:
I just like how the last message in chat is all caps wait what? What happened last week that I don't remember? That Josh hated your girlfriend for it.
Speaker 2:
So I so my girlfriend. I told everyone my girlfriend is a favorite member of the show. Okay and I exposed her and I said it was low yeah.
Speaker 1:
Yeah, yeah, okay, makes sense. Now I could remember like at all that I don't even remember that whole you weren't there.
Speaker 3:
That was there, was I there?
Speaker 2:
you were there. That's why you know your be a hate thumbs go.
Speaker 1:
Oh yeah, because I wasn't the favorite. That's right, that's right, that's right, that's right. But hey, josh, you got the bucket handy, you got Mr Bucking.
Speaker 3:
Oh shit, I fucking put him so here you are right, mr Bucket.
Speaker 1:
Missing an arm. All right, I left him on, so his battery is dead too. That's right. Good enough this way. Oh, okay it's the other side and there you go. Good enough, that works. We're gonna be playing a game of review bites today. It's a game we have not played in a while. I was hoping to have a full crew here, but well, we're just gonna have to play it without Logan because he doesn't like us.
Speaker 2:
Speaker 1:
So the way the game works is I'm gonna be reading Steam reviews, so all of these games have to be on steam. Read out three steam reviews. They have a maximum amount of points. So if you guess it on the first guest, you'll get the maximum amount of points for the game and obviously, if you, it's less points each time after that. So we could play this one of two ways. Today I have six games to choose from, so we can do it as each person has their own game, how we normally do it, or we can do it as if it's a free for all. If you name the game and you're wrong, then you can't guess anymore.
Speaker 3:
Or how do you guys want to play?
Speaker 1:
it, so everybody gets their own game.
Speaker 3:
That's the only way to do it yeah.
Speaker 2:
Okay, that's fair because then would be like yelling over each other. Possibly exactly, okay.
Speaker 1:
So then, what I will do is whoever is losing will get the last game, because the last game is worth five points rather than three. Okay, I like that. Like it's yeah. So the last one is yeah, it's a. It's the quote, unquote, obscure game of the day, basically. So. So the person who is leading is Josh in the overall tally, so I will be letting Dominic go first. Do I get a steal if he doesn't get it? Yeah for the one. For one point. All right, okay, all right down.
Speaker 2:
Speaker 1:
I got to move this over here to somewhere I can actually like fucking read it. Okay, all right. Review number one comes from username Chetala and their review is and, by the way, in chat, feel free to play along, but keep your hands can I pause you for one quick second? Is there a theme? There is no theme. No, specific thing. Okay, in October we will play this again with all horror games, though. Oh research so all right, here we go. So first game is username Chetala. Their review is fun and cute little game to explore and mold to your wish. Thanks to the different maps. It allows for diverse playlists and replay ability. Playlist or play styles, sorry for. Oh, it says, thanks to the different maps, it allows for diverse play styles and replay ability.
Speaker 2:
sorry, oh man, too many games like that. I think we have to go to the next one, I think.
Speaker 1:
All right. The next one is from username birdie and their review is. Spent a week giving a girl flowers and buying her beer, asked her to dance with me and she said you know, very realistic 10 out of the 10.
Speaker 2:
I'm gonna go to the next one, I think.
Speaker 1:
Okay, and the last review comes from username TheEvidenceCop, and their review is A game about being closer to nature and your neighbors, but is highly addictive and is keeping me indoors and alone. The irony is not lost on me.
Speaker 2:
Yo, I actually don't know it at all, like I have no clue.
Speaker 1:
So you can choose to take a guess, but obviously, if you get it wrong, josh can steal, but he'll have one less game to choose from. What? Well, you know what I mean, like it's you'll know. Oh, that's what you mean, yeah.
Speaker 2:
Gave your girl flowers. She looked at me and said oh no.
Speaker 1:
Well, you gave your girl flowers and bought her beer, asked her to dance with me and she said ew, no, yeah, that's. But that is by far the best review to give away what the game actually is.
Speaker 3:
Really that might go against my thoughts.
Speaker 1:
That's the only hint.
Speaker 2:
Alright, well, I'm gonna say, is it fable, One of the fables?
Speaker 1:
It is not the fable Also you can't go in the chat. You can't watch the chat when we're playing games. Yeah, tommy Cheeter. Yeah you cheater bebeater I played table.
Speaker 2:
They have the weird voice lines like that my guess is Stardew Valley.
Speaker 1:
It is Stardew Valley. That last one is what got me the whole it got you in nature and your neighbors. Yep. It is Stardew Valley. I've never played it but that clue is what gave it away to me. And all of these I just so you know, I try not to choose all of them as being very obscure. Games like a lot of these are somewhat known no yeah.
Speaker 3:
Speaker 1:
Valley is like one of the most popular games of the last decade, right, so alright. Next one for Josh. This comes from Now. If I guess it wrong once am I out. You just lose a point. So that's all. If you guess, you lose a point, alright. The first review comes from username Snucky and their review is adding microtransactions after being bought out from Tencent was more predictable than my abandonment issues after my father left me.
Speaker 3:
The fuck was bought out from Tencent. I don't know, I don't know, go on.
Speaker 1:
Next one comes from username IB. Oh, actually, there's four reviews on this one. That's weird. Why did I do that? Anyways, this one comes from username IB and their review is the day. Night cycle isn't just a visual change, it's a transformative gameplay element. The infected become a formidable threat at night, creating a palpable sense of tension, enforcing you to adapt your strategies. The adrenaline rush during night segments is a testament to the night's suspensal delight or design, and I really like this game seven out of 10.
Speaker 3:
Game with infected that Tencent bought or somebody bought from Tencent After being bought out from Tencent. From Tencent and it has day and night cycles with no fucking idea. Go on.
Speaker 1:
Alright, this one isn't a real review. It's, but it made me giggle. This is from username Pinner and their review was. It's like the first one, but the second, oh, I think. I know, so anyways, that one doesn't count, though that one's not a real one. The last review is from username Raspberry and their review is. I immediately quit and uninstalled when I saw that zombies have health bars and level numbers. Why are new video games like this Dead Island two? It is not Dead Island two, yeah.
Speaker 3:
Dead Island two was in Tencent, so, or Dead Island one wasn't, so that was just a shot in the dark.
Speaker 2:
Am I able to steal? Is it? Is it dying light to?
Speaker 1:
it is dying light to light to Alright. One of one of the two.
Speaker 2:
Dude, I got it when you said it's like the first one but the second.
Speaker 1:
That's great. Alright, Alright, Tom, your your your game Alright. So so technically, the score is tied zero, zero, because both of you have an incorrect guess. So just so you know oh, that's how that works. I lost a point. No, no, no, no, no, okay, I'll take it Bullshit. I shouldn't go negative, I should just get zero, alright, fine Deal. You guys both have one point, then Both have one. Okay, we both have one, we both have one. Alright, here we go, tom. Username flex pedo, and their review is after years of hearing how great this game is, I finally got around to experience it on my own. While the praise it gets is well deserved probably one of, if not the best, open world story game I've played so far.
Speaker 2:
Wow, I haven't Wait. I'm going to guess because it's fun. Could it be read dead to?
Speaker 1:
It's read dead to.
Speaker 2:
I had to think like what was the last really good open world story?
Speaker 3:
game, yeah, good job.
Speaker 1:
The other. The other ones reviews were from Kerr Mot Creft and there's was just hope they don't ruin the online by adding a horse with jet packs and heat seeking missiles, or they would have gave it away.
Speaker 3:
And then the also that would have made online better.
Speaker 1:
Yeah. And then the last one was from mystic pizza, saying great, I am now addicted to whiskey, cigarettes and random bursts of root and jute in public. Like mystic pizza was the same. Yeah, that mystic pizza. Yeah, have you ever seen that movie? Mystic pizza? That's a movie. It's a movie with Julia Roberts Never heard of, or see everybody, everybody, go watch mystic pizza oh no not good.
Speaker 3:
It's not a good movie.
Speaker 1:
All right, so the next one. Josh. So what does Dom have now? Currently for it's four to one.
Speaker 3:
Nice, good job, all right.
Speaker 1:
So I almost said the title of the game.
Speaker 3:
Do it? No, my guess really easy, all right.
Speaker 1:
So user name Hawk. Their review is the procedural. Planets are one scare kilometer spammed across an entire planet with five different flavors, and by the time you realized what a generic POS it is, it's too late to get a refund. No man's sky, holy shit, it is. Yes.
Speaker 2:
It is really good, yes.
Speaker 1:
I was like there's multiple things this could be, but if it's no man's sky, I'm going to get the edge over time.
Speaker 3:
So I have to say it. Damn. I was kind of hoping.
Speaker 1:
I was kind of hoping. Whoever got that, one would guess Starfield. That's the one that was the curveball, so then the other ones were on a game from swilly says, a game with real heart, from a team who never, ever gave up what's not to like. And then the last one, from username Ilazul, which is this is just an excerpt from their review is ultimately, I do not recommend this game. Why? Because it's a giant hamster wheel in space. You grind for resources to better grind for resources first, and everything is secondary, even fun. I think the term wide as an ocean, deep as a puddle applies to this game, which is a really big disappointment.
Speaker 3:
There's there's that is a really good way to put no man's sky is as wide as an ocean, deep as a puddle.
Speaker 1:
I read that and I'm like I have to put this in.
Speaker 3:
So that was, that was that, so all right.
Speaker 1:
So right now, the score is four to four. Going into the? Um. Well shit, All right, so down. Let me ask you this Well, this goes to is this the last one? No, this is, there's one more. Or? There's two more. I'm sorry, there's two more, so I had three and three. I could just cut out this last the one and then just go to the fifth one, but you guys are tied anyways. Yeah. So, um, for this one, just to keep it fun, it'll be a shout out round. How about that? Oh, okay.
Speaker 2:
Sure, all right.
Speaker 1:
And then whoever's losing after this one but if we shout it once we're done, you're done, you're done, correct, oh, all right, all right. The first one comes from username skinless. Their review is half the bosses in this game make me want to smash my keyboard over my monitor. The other half just makes me want to kill, oh, kill myself. 10 out of 10, ease, 10 out of 10, easily. Game of the year Elden ring. It is not Elden ring All right, this is all you down.
Speaker 2:
You, I should, okay. Yeah, I knew it wasn't.
Speaker 1:
All right. So all right, you don't have to guess here. Yeah, you can.
Speaker 2:
No, let's go to the next one. Let's go to the next one All right.
Speaker 1:
So for two points. This one comes from username force. Get fret no, oh my God. Fresh for sakin, oh my Lord you saw. For skin no, but it's okay, it's F zero. Floyd is going to have a field day with this one. That's all I'm going to say it's F, it's F zero, r, four. His name is force and it puts it's like for skin All right From that username, they said. I have played every game in this series that they have made. This is next level in all aspect, all aspects from the older generations Miss shoulder parts, lol. Also co-op and split screen, please. All in all in all S rank for sure. I can read that again if you like, because that was kind of old and rain.
Speaker 2:
Read it again, please.
Speaker 1:
I have played every game in this series that they have made. This is next level in all aspects from the older generations. Miss shoulder parts, lol. Also co-op and split screen, please. All in all S rank for sure.
Speaker 2:
It's a weird ass review. I don't I'm not comfortable to guess on this one either.
Speaker 1:
All right, here comes the last one, and turbo chicken. This game teaches very valuable life lessons for a whole new generation of gamers, such as listening to the voices in your head and that big robots are cool. Highly recommended to schizophrenics and mech fans everywhere.
Speaker 2:
Oh no, Harder than the other games. The bosses make you want to break your controller or keyboard. I don't know any game like that right now.
Speaker 1:
I wish old man was in the chat because he'd know which game I'm talking about Elden ring, what's that?
Speaker 2:
What game has boss robots that were frustrating, and it was a series. Oh dude, I can't. I'm going to say dark souls, but it's not dark souls.
Speaker 1:
The correct answer was armored core six.
Speaker 3:
I knew it once. You said that I never played those games.
Speaker 1:
But that's also. That game just came out like a week ago, so all right, I didn't know that game was hard. The game is apparently nice and fun and short, except for the bosses are Elden ring like and they are rough. So all right, this will also be a shout out style around. There's a potential of five points, but I have only four prompts, okay.
Speaker 2:
All right.
Speaker 1:
So it's a shout out with four. You said it's, so, there's, it's a possible five, but I only have four hints. So, and this is a shout out, and this is shout out, yes. So one and done, correct, and this is. This is by far the hardest one on the list. Oh, okay. First one comes from username Squidward, and their review is clunky, convoluted and needlessly long and complicated. I just couldn't find myself caring enough to keep going. One issue that no one seems to bring up is that the game uses fixed camera angles as an homage to classic survival horror, which is great, but it doesn't seem to understand how to use them properly or what made them effective in the first place. Accordingly, this game feels like a soulless imitation of classic silent Hill games. This could be like, so like 3000 games. It could be a bunch. There will be one final hint if nobody guesses after the last of them.
Speaker 2:
Okay, I think we should go to the next one.
Speaker 1:
All right. The next one comes from username treen and their review is I want to love this game. I really do. It has amazing atmosphere and monsters that are unfortunately overshadowed by game breaking bugs, annoying QTEs, mediocre writing and sometimes bad puzzle design. It's okay not to guess.
Speaker 2:
It's not Twitter, all right.
Speaker 1:
Nothing. So this is especially hard because horror games are the worst, because all the reviews are always the fucking same. All right, the next one is from Crimson Fox, and there is. Their review is OMG, this game totally nails the creepy horror, creepy house horror. So creepy it reminds me a little of eternal darkness, with multiple characters wandering around the same locations. Holy fuck dude, I'm literally like just like scratching my mind trying to figure out. All right, I'll go to the last one.
Speaker 2:
All right.
Speaker 1:
This is an excerpt from username package to chaos. Their review is the permadeath aspect. You might like it as much as you hate it I know I did but it's an inevitable part of the game. That only adds to its originality and makes you feel vulnerable, and that is what you want from a horror game, and I'm going to piggyback that by saying that this game is on Josh's library of video games.
Speaker 3:
Oh, I mean, that's not saying much.
Speaker 1:
It's only a list of two, two thousand games here I wonder. I wonder if I can probably see how many hours you put into it. Actually I played it, I don't know, trying to think like fixed camera mansion, fixed cameras, what's like holding the bag.
Speaker 2:
It's also an episodic.
Speaker 1:
It's also an episodic game Permadeath Episodic Post.
Speaker 2:
Do I know this game?
Speaker 1:
Fixed cameras Probably not. Stop clicking around, dominic. I see, I see your screen flashing. This has to be in your mind. You can't be looking up stuff. Can you look up a game in somebody's library. Can you look up a game in somebody's library? I don't know, maybe.
Speaker 3:
It's episodic fixed camera.
Speaker 1:
Oh, I fucking can.
Speaker 3:
It's fucking cat.
Speaker 1:
So, josh, you, as long as Dominic's not cheating. Josh, you played this game for a total of three minutes.
Speaker 3:
All right, all right, I don't, I don't feel I don't feel bad.
Speaker 1:
I know it could be a bunch.
Speaker 3:
I have absolutely no idea. I'm, I'm all right.
Speaker 1:
I'm giving up. The game came out in 2019. It's episodic. It came out on Halloween 2019.
Speaker 2:
Halloween Damn.
Speaker 1:
Um, recent reviews have mixed, but overall it's very positive. It comes from developer protocol games. Let's see what other games have they made. They have made. Another game by this developer is called man made of skrr. Oh fuck, oh, I know, made of skrr. Um, what else? Oh, what else? Oh dammit, I played me. I played made of skrr on PlayStation. Um, what else did they do? Oh shit, oh, I can imagine it now. Yes, um, daybreak, it is not daybreak. Okay, that, that is one of their games, though. Oh, no I lied I, I, I lie, hold on, I lied, I lied, I thought it was daybreak.
Speaker 3:
It's not. It's not Okay they break a similar though.
Speaker 1:
So Wait, did they hold on a second? Well, I'm out.
Speaker 2:
I have no clue either. Hold on.
Speaker 1:
I might have been wrong about that. So I think I was wrong about that, josh. So mask of skrr was made by whales, interactive, uh. So okay, I'll just give out the answer. The answer uh, there's a game called song of horror, never heard of it. Sounds familiar. It sounds like it's in my steam library.
Speaker 2:
The only reason I saw it was in my store as a feature, I was like, oh, I'm not sure.
Speaker 1:
I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I think the reason I saw it was in my store as a featured game, in part as part of a bundle. It's part of today's deal. Got it so well. We ended with a tie four to four. Congratulations, gentlemen.
Speaker 2:
Interesting Good job, Dom Good job.
Speaker 1:
Josh, I really love your no man's guy.
Speaker 2:
Guess that was great.
Speaker 1:
Thank you, top, fucking notch. Thank you. That was me going out on a limb and it just happened. The gamble paid off. What are you doing?
Speaker 2:
There's like shit on the camera. Sorry. Well, that's not where you're supposed to wipe that. No, I didn't wipe it, I was like it was like a little piece of it was like a fuzz.
Speaker 3:
Yeah, it was like a you had a fuzzy, all right.
Speaker 1:
All right, fair enough, all right as we're, as we're creeping up along the 11 o'clock hour, josh, yeah, I heard we were talking about handhelds before and you just you just bought a Kindle. Is that right? I bought a Kindle, paper, white, and the reason?
Speaker 3:
is, and you'll be able to see, as I showed on camera here. I have to read a lot of books, god damn it. I have to read a lot of books for suggestive gaming. For some reason, all of these publishers like to release books that are part of the story and it had like the cover of the book, but I woke it up. So I've been reading the Spider-Man books because I'm making a video on the Spider-Man games.
Speaker 2:
Oh wow, it's not really a spoiler.
Speaker 1:
There's a new one coming out, so I bought a Kindle paper white because I've been meaning to do it, because I hate reading off the screens and I have an iPad, but like I hate reading off of LCD screens, like I don't know what it is, there's just that Feels like it was the strain, right so, and I had a Kindle back in the day, like the first Kindle, yeah, the ink Kindle, and I hated it because you had to have a light, because there was no back Yep, so I bought a paper.
Speaker 3:
They have a backlight. Go ahead, Tom. I had a Kindle fire a long time ago and I just had a bunch of apps on it.
Speaker 2:
Yeah, kindle fires for just tablets.
Speaker 1:
So if you, if you haven't seen an actual Kindle like, you've seen a Kindle fire, like Kindle fires, just a tablet like Kindles and Kindle paper whites. They're eating and they're like, what's the coolest thing about eating? Because it looks like an actual page. So, no matter what angle you look at it, it looks like a piece of paper, like, and there's no glare. There's no, no glare whatsoever. It's fantastic.
Speaker 3:
So I got this thing, and I've had it at the side of my bed and besides just reading Um stuff I have to for work.
Speaker 1:
I was like shit, dude, I have so many books in my Kindle library that I bought Over the years that I've wanted to read. So I'm like, fuck it, Every night I'm just going to, I'm going to read. So I've been reading books again, which is something I haven't really done since high school. Um, when I was in high school, I loved to read, Uh, and I haven't just read in forever and it reawoken like the passion in me when it's like I fucking love reading, dude. So that made me really, really, really happy. So that made me wonder. I was like do you guys like, do you guys read? Or like, have you read? Like, is there?
Speaker 3:
a book that resonates with you Like uh like, say, a movie or a video game has Damn.
Speaker 2:
Uh, the last time I read something was my own story. Well, that doesn't count. Oh, okay, Uh, I appreciate it but it doesn't necessarily count. Yeah, I haven't read anything since like freshman year.
Speaker 1:
Well, that's what I was going to say. Like, have you ever been assigned something to read that you actually wound up liking?
Speaker 2:
Oh you know what? Yeah, I kind of like my submen, my submen's good, I kind of like that. That was interesting. And I had a Mark Tante Mark Twain biography I read a long time ago which was really interesting because he's a psychopath.
Speaker 1:
Speaker 2:
And I dived in that really deep for this writer and he had a fucked up life. Yeah, I like I like biographies. I can read biographies, it's like related to history and I really love history.
Speaker 1:
I've always been into biographies as well, especially like entertainment biographies like um autobiographies in particular. Like I read Johnny Cash's book, which was really good. Oh is it.
Speaker 3:
Speaker 1:
Elvis. Costello's book is really good. So, like I like reading autobiographies a lot, I'm pretty neglectful. I'm neglectful on that front. I, I read. So it's weird I read a lot but it's not literature, sure. And then I feel that's everybody, it's well, it's. Yeah, you're so easy just to be scrolling and reading and reading articles and stuff that way, and that's. I'm glad you mentioned that, because that's what I've been trying to replace is like, instead of scrolling through Reddit and reading shit, I'm just going to open up a book and as I'm laying in bed, I'm going to read a book and then go to sleep. It's good, it's funny. I'm just looking up reading because of the Aaron Rodgers book club on Pat McAfee show. Oh sure, and they've had a lot of really good books that, like I know I had been interested in in the past, but like I mean I'm at. McAfee, the greatest WWE commentator of all time. Yes, pat McAfee is great. I love that.
Speaker 2:
I love them, I love them.
Speaker 1:
But yeah, honestly, I think the last like full book that I've read like completely was I am legend, and that was like back in like 2007.
Speaker 3:
Speaker 1:
Like the first, the last, like actual full book that I've actually like read and it's disgusting, but it's, it's, it's. It gets hard If it's not a habit you develop early on. It's really hard. I feel like even in high school I wasn't that big on reading literature so you were probably beating up people who are reading books.
Speaker 3:
That's not true. That's not. That's. I mean just fucking with you.
Speaker 1:
No but. But, so so the reason I brought this up is we've been talking about self improvement.
Speaker 3:
A lot on this podcast, especially with Logan stuff.
Speaker 1:
And it's a shame that Logan isn't here today, because I wanted to bring that up as my own Like. So we've got, we've got three months left in the year, right? Three months is a long time, sure. So I was going to say everybody should pick a book and read it by the end of the year.
Speaker 2:
Could it be any book or like a new book?
Speaker 1:
Any book, literally any book, all right, and just read it by the end of the year, I could do that this might be. I have a non-canon stranger things book, that's. I got all of them, but I'm like I don't know if I actually stopped reading it because I found out it was non-canon and I'm like I don't want to read this shit. It was the one. It was something with Dr Brenner.
Speaker 3:
Yeah, that's the first one. Yeah, that's the first one. Yeah, I haven't read it, but I own it.
Speaker 2:
I used to read all the like Hardy Boy's collection, like the mystery thalping one.
Speaker 1:
Sure, and that would count, and that would count, that would count. Fine, fuck it, we all got a book. We'll. Well, next week we'll all have a book ready and we'll we'll. Yeah, I think yeah, next week we should all have a book that we've picked, doesn't matter what it is. Literally it can be anything.
Speaker 2:
Sure, just read Actual book club. Now Actual book club.
Speaker 1:
Well, it's not a book club because we're not reading the same book. I just like it all to read a book, and I'm literally saying by the end of the year.
Speaker 3:
Yeah, you got three months, so you don't even have to. Yeah, you don't even have to speed, speed, run it. It's just read a book and you can count, no, no.
Speaker 1:
I just prose and trust me, I'm not like negating the value of graphic novels and comics, because I love them, but I'm just talking straight book. Okay, yeah, fair enough. So it's gonna be a good exercise to use your five second challenge? Yes, because it's, which is something I'm glad we didn't have to talk about today, because I've been neglecting that. Have you so real quick, as we go into the five second thing, while Logan isn't here, have you found yourself being like all right, I'm going to do the five second thing? Five, four, three, two, one.
Speaker 3:
Well so.
Speaker 1:
So it's funny because like, and it's hard because like it's a real thing. I was hoping like I wanted to ask him about it because if like someone, if I have to do something like my, I don't care. If it's something I want to do, my brain is automatically on no until I'm talked into it.
Speaker 2:
Yes, like I'm like.
Speaker 1:
I'm like fuck, because I tried it a couple times where I'm like I counted I should do this Five, four, three, two, one. Okay, I'm still not fucking doing it Like, but and I don't mean that as a slight like I'm just like I got to figure out how I'm going to get that like connect those wires in my brain to like make that work.
Speaker 2:
So I think that's something that we got to talk with them. Yeah, it's kind of weird for certain things, like I can feel. I can feel like the nerve to do it. Like when I do the five, four, three, two, one, like getting out of bed, like my body jerks a little bit, then I like start laying back down.
Speaker 1:
That's good to know. You start every morning with a jerk, with a jerk. Yeah, dude, I have been like, literally, like what we just said, like I will be like all right, all right, I'm going to do this, I'm going to give myself five seconds, all right, five, four, three, two, one, yeah, and it's, I want to, but it's not enough, like that's a mental countdown is not enough.
Speaker 3:
I'd be curious to see.
Speaker 2:
I'd be curious to see what he has before. It's like a habit you got to build, kind of True. I think that's what he said when it goes on to the five second rule.
Speaker 1:
You're right and I've yet to build the habit. I've tried and there have been a couple of times like a couple of things that have been like all right, five, four, three, two, one, all right, I get up and do it, but like the important things, now it's always.
Speaker 3:
It's always like I'm going to make another cup of coffee. All right, five, four, three, two, one. Here I go.
Speaker 2:
I was doing that with the cold shower thing that. I don't know if you guys have been doing the cold shower but, like I've been doing it every morning kind of. But like before it was like I'm going to do it, but now it's like I'm trying to fucking cold water on.
Speaker 1:
Well, and that's. I think that's the habit part of it, right, Like you're just used to it. I can just do it, I don't need a build up, I guess, so yeah. Yeah Well, yeah Well he can't build up so soon after. When he first wakes up, he jerks so like it takes a lot to build up. Yeah, so if you first wake up, you jerk, you might have to have a cold shower.
Speaker 3:
I'm sorry, I know, I know what you meant Calm down.
Speaker 1:
I'm sorry, my mind immediately goes in the gutter.
Speaker 2:
Oh, I should talk to you guys about the cold shower thing. Since I've been doing it, it's been like it wakes me up in the morning so fast. It's such like a nice shock to the body and I try to hold it for like 20 to 30 seconds. It's like. It's very like bizarre. Why is he smiling?
Speaker 3:
I get it, but come on, Come on post.
Speaker 1:
Let him talk, let him get through a sense. I can never talk about someone's super cake.
Speaker 2:
Anyway, it's just a bizarre feeling. It's like your breath's getting.
Speaker 1:
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Look, you're talking about a serious thing. I was really trying to hold it in. It didn't work. No, you don't say it. No, please finish your. I just okay. My five, four, three, two, one, all right go ahead.
Speaker 2:
You start like hyperventilating with the cold water and it's a bizarre feeling and that's what wakes you up, I guess. Well, you know, it makes you feel good. After, when you get out the shower, it feels great.
Speaker 1:
Well, that's, and that's what he was talking about, right, where it's like that, yeah, the shock to your system does have a benefit but, I don't know, I can't do it. I'm going to try it tomorrow morning.
Speaker 3:
I won't promise it, but I'll try to try it.
Speaker 2:
You just got to do it for like 10 seconds for real.
Speaker 3:
As somebody who generally takes like showers, so hot that, like my neighbors can tell, because my house is just steaming out of the, out of the window.
Speaker 1:
I take very hot showers so, like the thought of you being like oh yeah, just ice cold, I'm like no, please, please, no. I don't know It'll be a good thing to try.
Speaker 3:
One day. One day, I promise.
Speaker 1:
I'll try, I'm fucking doing it. I'm going to do it tomorrow. Sorry, I got. I saw a message on the discord and I thought it was Logan saying he was coming. He's not coming. We're already like two hours in. I was going to say we're all. We're all done here.
Speaker 3:
Yeah, we're baseball.
Speaker 1:
But no, that's, that'll be good. I I I'm going to find a new book I really need. So I'm going to do some research to find a book. I don't know if I can do the stranger things one, but that'll be good.
Speaker 2:
I need to find a book about bubble fat or some character I like.
Speaker 1:
There you go.
Speaker 2:
That's after battles, the thrall trilogy. The what.
Speaker 1:
The thrall trilogy.
Speaker 2:
Oh, I knew thrall was cool. Hold on, I might.
Speaker 1:
I've said that the thrall trilogy is the best, like Star Wars. I they're. They're non-canon now they're in the legends thing, but I've always just heard that those are really good Star Wars books, so I would recommend that if you wanted to go Star Wars with it. I might Excellent. Look at that, and that's the bucket by its book club was born kind of almost so awesome, that's good stuff. I know we end these episodes on a positive note with all this good health and wellness stuff. Sure, it's good.
Speaker 2:
I'm happy to have contributed one.
Speaker 1:
It's not that's great. The least healthy guy in the chat. No, that's not true, because I'm sitting right here.
Speaker 3:
Well, we're pretty close, we're pretty close.
Speaker 2:
Are we going to have a fight about who's the least healthy person?
Speaker 1:
Yeah, like no fucker. Well wait, are we talking physical, mental, everything just combined? Yes, Everything.
Speaker 3:
Everything I got you beat.
Speaker 1:
It's not a competition, it's not. But anyways, no, guys, I appreciate you coming on and pushing through this, even though you guys both were kind of not feeling too well. Hopefully for none of you. It is not the vid. No, it's not.
Speaker 3:
No, certainly not for me.
Speaker 1:
Just just yeah, yeah, that's so. What was that about ending our shows? I'm positive I was on purpose.
Speaker 3:
No, that was making a goop.
Speaker 1:
I get it, I appreciate it. So, no, I appreciate you guys sticking around. We'll be live again next week, friday, same time, same place. We will probably have a week off one of these days, one of these weeks here, maybe after next week, I'm not sure, but we'll see. We'll see. Well, wiki, well, while we be flapping, and I forget what it's called, I just wanted to do the down stretch.
Speaker 2:
The down stretch, my stretch. Okay, I feel good.
Speaker 1:
Everybody. Thank you for hanging out in the chat. Well, Maranella, thanks for hanging out in chat. Same with same with melee monkey. I know I sold man Kyson Melee monkey, sorry, I'm sorry, I hate you. No thanks to. Can't take her as HN for advertising garbage into my chat. Get banned.
Speaker 2:
Speaker 1:
He got banned big time. All right, anyways, appreciate all of you. We'll see you all later Next week. I'm right up post with Josh Picard and Dominic just Dominic later.
Speaker 2:
Speaker 1:
I love Dominic, just Dominic.
Speaker 2:
I think I guess.
Speaker 1:
I like, oh, my son just.
Speaker 2:
I'm surprised he didn't put my last name and you put everyone else's last name in that way. Dominic Gonzalez, thanks for watching.